Tag: Investment Climate in Bangladesh

  • Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh

    Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh

    Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh

    Compiled from the Speech of a Former Director, FBCCI


    Bangladesh has liberalized its economy in keeping with the global trend. As an underdeveloped country she has to increase her production capacity rapidly to prepare herself for integration with free market economy by 2005. Bangladesh follows private sector-led growth economy, where the Govt. is the facilitator and private sector is the main player.

    Bangladesh has been maintaining a steady economic growth of about 5% during the last ten years. There is a target to increase this growth rate at 5.7% in the next year and in medium-term 7%.  In the year 2002-2003, the domestic savings rate was about 18.23%, GDP at current market price was about US $ 51.90 billion, annual per capita GDP US$ 389, growth rate 5.3%, industrial growth rate at constant price 6.62%, inflation rate: 5.2%, investment rate:23.2% of GDP.


    In Bangladesh, sharp decline in the availability of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and limitations of capital formation and export earnings, the need for Foreign Director Investment (FDI) has become a major issue. Government policies tried to induce foreign investments not only for capital formation but also to acquire technology and management skills besides having access to the export markets. Bangladesh Govt. has been providing various type of incentives to the foreign investors. The balance of trade is always against Bangladesh. In 2002-03, Bangladesh export was only US$ 6548 million and import US$ 9658 million, the balance of trade being US$ 3110 million against Bangladesh. To reduce this trade gap, it is highly required to increase country’s industrial growth for enhancing its export earnings. Being deficient capital like many other developing countries, Bangladesh needs substantial foreign direct investment for attaining sustained economic growth along with for developing its industrial base and poverty reduction.


    To attract foreign direct investment, the Government of Bangladesh has offered most liberal package of investment facilities and incentives.


    Tax holiday: Tax holiday facilities will be available for 5 or 7 years depending on location of the industrial enterprise. Tax holiday facilities will be provided in accordance with the existing laws.


    Accelerated depreciation: Industrial undertakings not enjoying tax holiday will enjoy accelerated depreciation allowance. Such allowance is available at the rate of 100 per cent of the cost of the machinery or plant.


    Concessionary duty on imported capital machinery: Import duty, at the rate of 5% ad valorem, is payable on capital machinery and spares imported for initial installation or BMR/BMRE of the existing industries.


    Rationalization of import duty: Duties and taxes on import of goods which are produced locally will be higher than those applicable to import of raw materials for producing such goods.


    Incentives to Non-Resident Bangladeshis (NRBs): Investment of NRBs will be treated at par with FDI. Special incentives are provided to encourage NRBs for investment in the country. NRBs will enjoy facilities similar to those of foreign investors.


    Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh
    Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh

    Other incentives:

    • Tax exemption on royalties, technical know-how fees received by any foreign collaborator, firm, company and expert.
    • Tax exemption on the interest on foreign loans under certain conditions.
    • Avoidance of double taxation in case of foreign investors on the basis of bilateral agreements.
    • Exemption of income tax up to 3 years for the foreign technicians employed in industries specified in the relevant schedule of income tax ordinance.
    • Tax exemption on income of the private sector power generation company for 15 years from the date of commercial production.
    • Facilities for full repatriation of invested capital, profit & dividend


    • 6 months’ multiple entry visa for the prospective new investors.
    • Re-investment of repatriable dividend treated as new investment.
    • Citizenship by investing a minimum of US$5,00,000 or by transferring US$10,00,000 to any recognized financial institution (non-repatriable).
    • Permanent residentship by investing a minimum of US$ 75,000 (non-repatriable)
    • Tax exemption on capital gains from the transfer of shares of public limited companies listed with a stock exchange.
    • Special facilities and venture capital support will be provided to export-oriented industries under “Thrust sectors” .

    There will be no discrimination in case of duties and taxes for the same type of industries set up by foreign and local investors and in the public and private sectors.


    Incentives to export-oriented and export-linkage industries: Export-oriented industrialization is one of the major objectives of the industrial Policy 1999. Export-oriented industries will be given priority and public policy support will be ensured in this respect. An industry exporting at least 80% of its manufactured goods or an industry contributing at least 80% of its products as an input to finished exportable, and similarly, a business entity exporting at least 80% of services including information technology related products will be considered as an export-oriented industry. To make investment in 100 per cent export-oriented industries, the following incentives and facilities will be provided:

    • Duty free import of capital machineries and spare parts upto 10 percent of the value of such capital machinery will continue.
    • Existing facilities for Bonded Warehouse and back-to-back Letter of Credit will continue.
    • The system for duty drawback will be further simplified and to this end, duty drawback will be fixed at a flat rate on exportable and potentially exportable goods. Exporter will receive duty drawback at a flat rate directly from the relevant commercial banks.
    • The arrangement for providing loans up to 90 percent of the value against irrevocable and confirmed Letter of Credit/ Sales Agreement will continue.
    • To ensure backward linkage, incentives will be extended to the “deemed exporters” supplying indigenous raw materials to export-oriented industries. Export-oriented industries including export-oriented RMG industries, using indigenous raw materials will be given facilities and benefits at prescribed rates.


    • The export-oriented industries, further to the provisions of Bangladesh Bank foreign exchange regulations, will be entitled to receive additional foreign exchange, on case-to-case basis, for publicity campaign, opening overseas offices and participating in international trade fairs.
    • The entire export earnings from handicrafts and cottage industries will be exempted from income tax. For all other industries, income tax rebate on export earnings will be given at 50 percent.
    • The facility for importing raw materials, which are included in the banned/ restricted list, but required in the manufacture of exportable commodities, will continue.
    • The import of specified quantities of duty-free samples for manufacturing exportable products will be allowed consistent with the prevailing relevant government policy.


    • The local products supplied to local industries or projects against foreign exchange payment or foreign exchange L/C will be treated as indirect exports and be entitled to all export facilities.
    • The Export Credit Guarantee Scheme will be further expanded and strengthened.
    • 10 percent products of the enterprises, located in both public and private EPZs will be allowed to be exported to domestic tariff area against foreign currency L/C on payment of applicable duties and taxes.
    • 100 % percent export-oriented industry outside EPZ will be allowed to sell 20% percent of their products in the domestic market on payment of applicable duties and taxes.


    Apart from the above-mentioned facilities, other facilities announced and provided in the Export Policy will be applicable to export-oriented and export-linkage industries.


    Export Processing Zones (EPZs)

    Export Processing Zones are considered by the foreign investors as an ideal location for the export-oriented industries. In Bangladesh, the Export Processing Zones with necessary infrastructural facilities offer very attractive incentives. Export Processing Zones in Chittagong and Dhaka provide necessary fiscal, non-fiscal and infrastructure facilities for export-oriented enterprises. Four more Export Processing Zones in Mongla, Ishurdi, Comilla and Syedpur (Nilphamari) are under implementation.


    Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh
    Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh


    The Government enacted “The Bangladesh Private Export Processing Zones Act 1996” allowing setting up of Export Processing Zones in the private sector with a view to attracting more investment especially foreign investment in the country. Accordingly, quite a good number of private EPZs have been registered. The first private EPZ by a Korean company in Chittagong has already been implemented.


    Bilateral Investment Guarantee Agreement has been signed with a number of countries. Bangladesh is a signatory to the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) of USA, International Centre for Settlement of Industrial Disputes (ICSID) and is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It has already signed agreements with a number of countries for avoidance of double taxation. Besides, Bangladesh enjoys quota free and duty free market access into EU, Canada, Japan, Australia and Norway. This offers a tremendous opportunity to the foreign investors to set up production facilities in Bangladesh targeting those lucrative markets.


    Meanwhile the Govt. of Bangladesh is committed to increase trade related capacity including trade and investment infrastructure and she has improved infrastructure facilities and Utility Services, Road Transport, Railway, Airways, Marine Transportation, Electricity, Water and Sewerage, Gas, Telecommunication, Industrial land, etc.



    The major potential sectors including “Thrust Sectors” identified by the Bangladesh Government, which offer probable choices for investment are:

    Textiles: Being labor-intensive it is the most comparative advantage sector in Bangladesh. The captive demand of over 2.5 billion meters of fabrics of the burgeoning ready-made garments industries which are currently being met from imports and domestic unmet demand of about 280 million meters offer enormous potential for setting up backward linkage industries. Composite textile mills with modern dyeing and finishing facilities have excellent prospects.


    RMG and Knitwear: High fashion readymade garments (RMG) and knitwear are identified as thrust sector in Bangladesh. This sector has a great potential for FDI along with general RMG and knitwear.


    Energy (Power Generation and Transmission): In view of the gradual widening of supply gap and pursuant to the policy of privatization the Government has recently opened the energy sector to private investment.


    Natural Gas-based Industries: Bangladesh is endowed with large deposits of Natural Gas. Gas being the major source of energy for power generation, fertilizer factories, commerce, industries and domestic use, its exploration and development is a high priority for the country.


    Telecommunication: The all-pervasive influence of the recent revolution in information technology on the telecommunication sector has opened up a new vista for private investment. This is a highly potential area not only because the possibilities and potentialities are immense, but also because there is a ready market of eager clients in the country.


    Fisheries: There is large domestic demand for fish including shrimp & frozen fish and foreign markets are sizable and ever growing because of its proven superiority over meat proteins. Given extensive coastlines, large water bodies and excellent climatic conditions, the potential for fisheries development including hatcheries in Bangladesh is enormous.


    Agro-based Industries: Bangladesh enjoys the basic attributes for successful agro-based industries namely, rich alluvial soil, a year-round frost-free environment, adequate water supply and an abundance of cheap labour. Increased cultivation of vegetables, tropical fruits, spices now grown in Bangladesh could feed agro-processing industries for both domestic and export markets. Floriculture can also be developed to meet export demand.


    Electronics: Already a number of overseas electronics companies have established technical collaboration with Bangladeshi counterparts to produce electronic gadgets at competitive prices. But these are mostly assembling plants. The creation of feeder industries to supply parts such as transformers, fuses, printed circuit boards and coils to existing electronic operations has begun in a limited sale. The development and expansion of these and other areas offer large investment opportunities for the manufacture and export of electronic components and products.


    Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh
    Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh


    Computer Software Development and Data Entry: The revolution in the information technology facilitating computerized global networking has opened tremendous opportunities for the highly lobour-intensive computer software development and data entry in Bangladesh. There is a large pool of educated girls and young man who can be easily trained to man these ventures.


    Leather and Leather Goods: Bangladesh leather is of compact fiber structure and fine grains. Available quality hides can support a variety of increased value-added products such as jackets, garments, gloves, shoes, wallets, hand bags, watch bands etc.


    Tourism: Tourism is another potential sector for foreign investment. There is the longest sea beach in Bangladesh and many other historical & attractive natural places have high potentials for investment.


    Light Industries: Light industries of Bangladesh produce variety of labour-intensive goods including toys, consumer durables, small tools, and paper products for a large domestic market. Further development of these industries offers large investment opportunities. Some export oriented light industries have already been established by entrepreneurs from Hong Kong. Japan and Korea taking advantage of cheap and easily trainable local labour and available infrastructure facilities in EPZs. There are enormous potential for expansion of capacity in this sub-sector.


    Besides, there are other potential areas for investment in Bangladesh, such as: light engineering, ceramic, dairy farming & dairy products, poultry farming & poultry products, jute goods, paper and pulp, cement, sheet and plate glass, etc. The government also welcomes investments in the development of port facilities and industrial parks.


    Most of the foreign investors consider the investment potentials in Bangladesh to be bright and many of them would like to explore further the possibilities of investments either on their own or in partnership with local entrepreneurs and the incentives for foreign investors are quite attractive. They highly appreciate the policies of the present government for liberalization, private sector driven and market led growth in the economy.


    Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh: Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh: Foreign Investment Climate in Bangladesh

    Developing Bangladesh          Md. Joynal Abdin            Read More…

  • Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh

    Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh

    Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh

    Indian subcontinent inherited the British legal system since the colonial period. As a result, Bangladesh has had a very structured legal system since its inception. It has about 45 laws relevant to investment, business, trade, and commerce in various sectors. There are more than 10 policies with different incentives and supports of the government to promote private sector investment in various sectors. Existing investment, business, trade, and commerce-related laws and policies of the country could be classified into the following categories:

    Regulatory Environment (Investment-Related Laws):

    The Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1980

    The Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980

    The Investment Board Act, 1989

    The Bangladesh Private Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1996

    The Bangladesh Economic Zones Act 2010

    Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) Act 2016


    Investment-Related Policies:

    Private Sector Power Generation Policy Of Bangladesh 2004

    Bangladesh Private Sector Infrastructure Guidelines 2004

    SME Policy Strategies -2005

    Policy Guidelines for Enhancement of Private Participation in the Power Sector, 2008

    National Tourism Policy 2009

    Renewable Energy Policy of Bangladesh 2009

    Plot Allocation Policy in BSCIC Industrial Estate 2010

    Policy and Strategy for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) 2010

    Export Policy 2015 – 2018

    Import Policy Order 2015-2018

    National Industrial Policy 2016


    Trade, Companies, Commercial or Mercantile Laws:

    The Contract Act, 1872

    The Partnership Act, 1932

    The Drugs Act, 1940

    The Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation Act, 1957

    The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

    The Drugs (Control) Ordinance, 1982

    The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Ordinance, 1985

    The Companies Act,1994


    Securities & Exchange Laws:

    The Securities Act, 1920

    The Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969

    The Depository Act, 1999


    Taxation, Customs & Revenue Laws:

    The Customs Act, 1969

    The Income Tax Ordinance, 1984

    The Value Added Tax Act,1991

    The Travel Tax Act,2003

    The Finance (2008-09 FY) Act 2009


    Banking & Financial Institution Laws:

    The Banking Companies Act, 1991

    The Financial Institutions Act, 1993

    The Money Laundering Prevention Act, 2009


    Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh : Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh

    Insurance Laws:

    The Insurance Act, 2010


    Land/Property Laws:

    The Transfer of Property Act, 1882

    The Registration Act, 1908


    Imports-Exports & Shipping Laws:

    The Bills of Lading Act, 1856

    The Imports and Exports (Control) Act, 1950


    Labor and Industrial Laws:

    The EPZ Workers Association and Industrial Relations Act, 2004

    The Bangladesh Labor Act, 2006


    Consumer Laws:

    The Consumer-Right Protection Act, 2009


    Intellectual Property Laws: 

    The Patents and Designs Act, 1911

    The Copyright Act, 2000

    The Trade Mark Act, 2009


    Foreign Trade & Foreign Exchange Laws:

    The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947


    Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh :Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh 


    ICT laws:

    The Information and Communication Technology Act, 2006

    The Bangladesh High-Tech Park Authority Act, 2010


    Public Procurement Laws:

    The Public Procurement Act, 2006


    Environmental Laws:

    The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995


    Procedural Laws:

    The Arbitration Act, 2001

    The Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003 (The Money Loan Court Act 2003)


    Tourism Laws:

    The Bangladesh Tourism Reserved Area and Special Tourism Zone Act, 2010


    Fire Service Laws:

    Fire Prevention and Extinction Act, 2003

    Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh
    Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh
    Investment relevant laws and policies (Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh):

    A brief introduction about the major regulatory instruments to promote investment/business in Bangladesh could be shown as follows:

    1. The Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1980: This is a revolutionary act for facilitating and promoting foreign investment in Bangladesh. This act was adopted on 1st April 1980 by the government of Bangladesh. The main objective of this act was to provide promotion and protection of foreign private investment in Bangladesh. This act allowed a foreign entity to development of capital, technical, and managerial resources of Bangladesh; discovery, mobilization, or better utilization of the natural resources. It resulted in the strengthening of the balance of payment in Bangladesh; increasing employment opportunities in Bangladesh; and the economic development of the country.


    1. The Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980: This is another first-generation act while the government shifted its direction from a state-owned socialism motive towards a free market economy and private sector development policy. This act was adopted on 26th December 1980. It was formulated to establish the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA). BEPZA is responsible for the creation, development, operation, management, and control of export processing zones (EPZ) and for matters connected therewith. EPZ is a name of success in Bangladesh to attract foreign investment and increase the export / international trade of the country.


    1. The Investment Board Act, 1989: This act was adopted on 2nd March 1989 to establish the Board of Investment. The objective of the Board of investment was to inspire investment in the private sector and organize investment-related logistic support for the promotion of the private sector. Primarily the Board of investment was attached to the Ministry of Industries and later on it was looked after by the Prime Minister’s Office. There is criticism in the market that the Board of Investment failed to perform its duty as per expectation. But it has had many successes as well. Very recently this Board of Investment has been abolished by the government and created a new entity titled Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) under the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) Act 2016. The Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) is the principal private investment promotion and facilitation agency of Bangladesh. The act is created on September 01, 2016. The act mandated BIDA for providing diversified promotional and facilitating services with a view to accelerating the industrial development of the country.


    1. National Industrial Policy 2022: The government of Bangladesh adopted the latest industrial policy in 2022 titled ‘National Industrial Policy 2022’. This policy emphasized the aim of increasing the contribution of the industrial sector to the gross domestic product to 40 percent by 2027 by enhancing skills, productivity, and generating employment. The policy also focused on the establishment of diversified export-oriented industries, creating a conducive environment for the cottage, micro, small, and indium industries and attracting more local and foreign investment in the country. An action plan with a five-year timeframe has been included in the industrial policy to develop dynamic and efficient manufacturing and service industry.


    1. SME Policy 2019: The government of Bangladesh adopted the latest SME Policy Strategy in 2019. This SME policy has 11 strategies based on six broader areas — human resource development, business development services, access to finance, transfer of technology, cluster-based SME development strategy, and access to marketing and information. The policy emphasizes extensive SME Development activities. It is dedicated to building a sustainable, environment-friendly SME sector and has underlined the4 need for creating necessary cluster and infrastructure development. Accordingly, different financial and non-financial supports would be provided to women entrepreneurs for their development.
    Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh :Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh 
    1. The Export Policy 2021 – 2024: The Export Policy 2021-2024 was adopted by the government of Bangladesh on 28th February 2022. This policy aims to almost double Bangladesh’s export earnings to $80 billion from $45 billion within the period by facilitating shipments of diversified, non-traditional goods and labor-based products. It focused on increasing the productivity of the export-oriented sector, ensuring the quality of exportable products at competitive prices, diversification of export items and market destinations, special attention to ICT-based and service export, selecting a priority list, selecting one focal point in all Bangladeshi embassies in abroad, activating commercial wings of the embassies to build commercial relations with respective countries in order to increase export of Bangladesh.


    1. The Import Policy Order 2021 – 2024: The Import Policy Order 2021 – 2024 of Bangladesh was adopted by the government on 24th April 2022. This policy focused on controlling imports of Bangladesh to ensure the quality of imported products (allowed), control the import of conditionally importable products, and import procedures. It contains seven chapters, these are general provisions for import, special directives to import, Industrial Import, policies and directives for commercial import, import by the government, and a chapter on the Import Trade Control (ITC) Committee which looks after disputes between an importer and the Customs Authority on ITC classification or description of goods imported under First Schedule of Customs Act. Therefore it is an order with mandatory implementable power like an act.


    1. The Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation Act, 1957: The Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) act was adopted during the Pakistan regime on 21st May 1957. The main objective of this act was to establish a Corporation for the purpose of promoting the development of small and cottage industries in the country. BSCIC played a very significant role in the promotion and development of cottage, micro, and small industries in Bangladesh. There are 79 BSCIC industrial estates established by the organization that planted the root of industrialization in the country. BSCIC is working to develop, promote, and further the cottage, micro, and small industries of Bangladesh. They are providing all sorts of industrial logistics in BSCIC industrial estates. SCITI is operating entrepreneurship development training for new and potential entrepreneurs throughout the year.


    1. The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Ordinance, 1985: The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) Ordinance was adopted on 25th July 1985. The main objective of this act was to establish an Institution for standardization, testing, metrology, quality control, grading, and marking of goods. Standardization and ensuring the proper quality of products is a very important issue for the safety of life and wealth. Ensuring world-class quality is the most significant criterion of a product to enter the export market. Therefore the strong capacity of BSTI could play a vital role in maintaining safety and product quality in the domestic market as well as ensure quick growth of export.


    1. The Companies Act, 1994: The government of Bangladesh adopted the companies act on 12th September 1994. This is the bible of a joint stock limited companies, associations, and NGOs operating in Bangladesh. Actually, this is the compiled and updated version of a few older acts related to the companies and other associations. This is the guiding principle of incorporating, managing, day-to-day operation, profit sharing, sustaining, or dissolution of all sorts of companies in Bangladesh. It is a safeguard for investors and a guidebook for operating companies and associations in Bangladesh. It controls registration, classification, MoA & AoA management, the role of the directors, transferring of ownership, and possibly all types of circumstances to operate companies are covered in this act in detail.
    Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh :Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh 
    1. The Drugs (Control) Ordinance, 1982: The drugs (control) ordinance was adopted by the government of Bangladesh on 12th June 1982. The main objective of this ordinance is to control the manufacture, import, distribution, and sale of drugs. Therefore it is a sector-specific ordinance and guidebook for the pharmaceuticals industry of Bangladesh. Pharmaceutical is one of the major contributory sectors of Bangladesh by starting its journey in 1982. Currently, Bangladesh is almost self-sufficient in medicine. Bangladeshi pharmaceutical companies are exporting their world-class products to 107 countries, including Germany, the USA, France, Italy, the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, and Denmark, etc.


    1. The Contract Act, 1872: This is one of the oldest acts enacted during the British period on 25th April 1872. This is the legal framework related to signing, managing, and dissolution/void of contracts. This act is practiced by most of the commonwealth states. Therefore it is a universal type of act.


    1. The Partnership Act, 1932: This is another inherited act practiced by Bangladesh by the British colonial regime. This act was enacted on 8th April 1932. The main objective of this act is to define and direct to manage the rules relating to partnership.


    1. Taxation, Customs & Revenue Related Laws: Bangladesh’s revenue sector is operating and controlled under four acts and one ordinance. These are the Customs Act 1969, The Finance (2008-09 FY) Act 2009, The Income Tax Ordinance 1984, The Travel Tax Act 2003, and The Value Added Tax Act 1991.


    1. Intellectual Property Rights Related Laws: Bangladesh has three separate acts related to copyright, patent, and trademark titled the Copyright Act 2000, the Patents and Designs Act 1911, and the Trade Mark Act 2009 to protect all sorts of intellectual rights of the innovators.
    Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in BangladeshRegulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh :

    The government of Bangladesh has already reformed many laws and policies to improve the Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh. To Know More, Please Click Here!