Industrial Infrastructure Development in Bangladesh
Md. Joynal Abdin*
Business Consultant & Digital Marketer
Co-Founder & CEO of Bangladesh Trade Center
Infrastructure refers to the basic facility required to run the daily life of the citizen of a country or city like roads, bridges, tunnels, water supplies, sewers, electricity, gas, telecommunication system, cellular network, internet connectivity and broadband speed etc. infrastructures are primarily classified into two brad heads namely, hard infrastructures like transportation networks like roads, airports, sea ports or river ports, railroads etc. and soft infrastructures like education system, healthcare system, law and order situation, financial system, form of government, financial service and government responses to the civil emergency etc. of a country. Bangladesh has primarily graduated from the LDC list this year and hopping to be sustainably graduating into developing countries list by 2024. To fulfill that mission, we have to fight few socioeconomic inconveniences like providing employment to the existing unemployed as well as newcomers in this category, improve infrastructure (hard and soft) facilities, transform the economy from agriculturally based into industrialized one.
Transformation of Bangladesh economy from agricultural into industrialized economy has been started naturally during last couple of decades. For example, contribution of Agriculture, Industry and Service Sector to Bangladesh GDP in 1972 (soon after the independence) was 59.60 6.06 percent and 34.32 per cent respectively. In the year 1980 contribution of the same sectors to Bangladesh GDP was 31.55 percent (Agriculture), 20.63 percent (Industry) and 47.81 percent (Service). Current contribution (2016) of Agriculture reduced into 14.77, Industry and Service Sectors increased into 28.76 percent and 56.45 percent respectively. From the above statistics it is clear that, Bangladesh economy is transforming from agricultural economy into industrial economy, but the transformation speed is too slow. Questions may be asked that, why this transformation is necessary. This transformation is necessary because per acre agricultural land the highest threshold of production. After that particular threshold further growth in agriculture is not possible. On the other hand, productivity of the same size of industries is much higher than that of agriculture.
Secondly, there are above 3 million unemployed (workable) populations in Bangladesh, another 2 million newcomers are adding with this number as fresh job seekers. But Bangladesh is experiencing a job less growth during last couple of years. As a result, burden of unemployment in mounting up day by day. Government alone is unable to create employment opportunities for such a huge number of citizens. Therefore, industrialization is the most suitable options for employment generation, increasing GDP growth, enlarging export basket and finally sustainably graduating into a middle-income developing country. To speed up industrialization movement government initiated some initiatives like the honorable Prime Minister herself seat in a forum called National Council for Industrial Development (NCID), Ministry of Industries is providing secretarial support to this council. Among others Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) and SME Foundation are working to facilitate entrepreneurship development and industrialization in the country. But due to lack of industrial infrastructure facilities Bangladeshi industrialization movement is not getting momentum. Now come to the points what is industrial infrastructure? And why these are important to increase industrialization movement of Bangladesh?

Industrial Infrastructure is a set of physical facilities essential for healthy operations and further growth of the industrial operations in a country or city. Industrial infrastructure is also known as commercial infrastructure. Industrial Infrastructures of Bangladesh could be described as follows:
- Aviation Facilities: There are three international and seven domestic Airports in Bangladesh. These are Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Shah Amanat International Airport, Osmani International Airport (International), Cox’s Bazar Airport, Jessore Airport, Shah Makhdum Airport, Barisal Airport, Ishurdi Airport, Saidpur Airport, and Comilla Airport (Domestic). This number of only 10 airports is self-descriptive that most of the districts of Bangladesh are out of air network. Airport facilities, security systems, cargo handling etc. capacity are minimal to offer a full sewing aviation service for tomorrows Bangladesh. About nine airline operators are operating local and international flights in Bangladesh but the national carrier Biman is a losing concern. Bangladesh has a very small network of destinations connected by direct flight and cargo transport facility. This network has to be broadened and air cargo service destinations have to be enlarged to fulfill increasing demand of tomorrow’s industrialization.
- Roads and Highways: Bangladesh has 3.33 lac kilometers of road network. Maximum lengths of this network are Upzila, Union and Village level road. Condition of only 19.46% is good, 37.47% is fair and rests are poor and very poor. Among 3.33 lac kilometers of roads national highways are only 3.5 thousand kilometers. But Dhaka Chittagong Highways (215 kilometer) carries above 60% of Bangladesh’s commercial traffic and 27% passengers of the country. Therefore, traffic jam is a regular phenomenon here in this highway. An alternative road between Dhaka and Cittagong is the necessity of time to promote hassle free transportation of export-oriented goods and imported raw materials to and from the busiest port i.e., Chittagong port. Economic importance of Dhaka – Chittagong port is more than all other roads and highways of the country. Government has a plan to make Dhaka-Chittagong Economic Corridor functional. It would help to uplift living standard of the linked cities like N.Gonj, M.Gonj, Comilla, Feni etc. SEZ going to be established besides Dhaka Chittagong Economic Corridor like AMEZ, API Industrial Parks, Mireshwrai SEZ etc. would be a piece of diamond of this economic corridor.
- Railway: There are only 2.87 thousand kilometers of railroads in Bangladesh. Most of the cities are out of rail network and its service. It is one of the busiest modes of transport in Bangladesh but losing concern due to some hidden reason. Railway could be a safe and quickest mode of transport for passengers as well as goods in Bangladesh. New railroads have to be constructed and operated in commercial mode. Government can open up this sector for private investment like the cellular phone sector. Private Investment can develop this sector and make it profitable. Mode of private investment in this sector could be BOO (build, operate and own) or BOT (build, operate and transfer) under the PPP modality.
Industrial Infrastructure Development in Bangladesh: Industrial Infrastructure Development in Bangladesh
*Author’s Short Profile:

Mr. Md. Joynal Abdin is a Business Consultant & Digital Marketer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is also Co-Founder & CEO of Bangladesh Trade Center. Previously he served at Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) as Executive Secretary; DCCI Business Institute (DBI) as Executive Director; SME Foundation as Deputy Manager; and the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FBCCI) as Assistant Secretary.
The list of services Mr. Abdin is offering includes but not limited to Business Research and Documentations like Feasibility Study, Project Proposal Preparation, Writing Business Manual, Standard Operating Procedures etc.; Export Market Selection and Product Positioning at Home and Abroad; Buyers-Sellers Matchmaking; Website Development; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); and Social Media Marketing etc.
Industrial Infrastructure Development in Bangladesh: Industrial Infrastructure Development in Bangladesh
Developing Bangladesh Md. Joynal Abdin Read More…