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Before recommending the top 10 recommendations for promoting business let’s try to know when the policy reforms started to make a congenial business environment or promote businesses. The 1990s saw major changes in the global economic environment. Developing countries are taking various rapid steps to integrate their economies into global markets. Developing economies in Asia, especially those in the eastern and southeastern regions, are liberalizing their trading regimes and moving towards trade-oriented policies through the liberalization of foreign direct investment (FDI) policies. It also opens the stock and bond markets to foreign investors.
The incentive framework for private manufacturing has changed to build a market-oriented economy that caters to the global market. As a result, Bangladesh today enjoys a more or less stable macroeconomic situation. Domestic savings have increased, investment has increased, resources have been used more efficiently, and progress has been made in various areas, including human resource development.
Bangladesh has tried to speed up the development process. The government has designed and implemented various policy reforms to create a more open and competitive environment for foreign direct investment. Considerable reforms and policy changes have been made in recent years to promote a favorable atmosphere for foreign direct investment in Bangladesh. Private investment from foreign sources is welcome in all sectors except four strategic industries which are reserved for the public sector only.
(1) Weapons, ammunition, and other defense equipment and machinery; (2) nuclear power. (3) Replanting and mechanical logging within the boundaries of protected forests; (4) Security printing and embossing of banknotes. The Foreign Private Investment (Encouragement and Protection) Act 1980 was passed, providing legal protection for foreign investment from nationalization and expropriation. It also guarantees the repatriation of capital and dividends. Deal fairly with local investors about compensation, indemnification, reimbursement, or other claims made against their investments. The government has bilateral agreements with 26 of her countries to avoid double taxation, and negotiations are underway with 23 of them.
Investment treaties to promote and protect investments have been signed between Bangladesh with 20 countries, and negotiations are underway with nine other countries.
The government has already passed bankruptcy laws. A judicial commission was established to identify anomalies and weaknesses in the existing laws and legal system. One of the commission’s main tasks is to update existing trade, trade, and business laws. All of these are designed to improve the overall business climate, together with the environment for foreign direct investment. Efforts are being made to reform the bureaucracy to make it more efficient and to support the influx of foreign direct investment and better services for economic development-oriented activities. Update the laws governing the financial sector. Significant changes have been made to facilitate the flow of foreign direct investment into Bangladesh, the Companies Act 1994 and the Labor Act 2006 were enacted.
Several EPZs were established in Chittagong, Dhaka, and Khulna in 1980 under the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) to improve the environment for foreign private investment and foreign direct investment. The Private Export Processing Zones (PEPZ) Act was also enacted to encourage the establishment of “Private Export Processing Zones” by domestic and foreign investors. These EPZs are fully equipped with the necessary infrastructure facilities and are fully protected from law and order issues.
BEPZA approves all projects to be placed in EPZs and provides “One window same day service” to EPZ investors. The government also approved the Private Power Generation Policy of 1996, allowing tax exemption on company income for 15 years from the date of commercial production.
The government announced a strategy to reduce effective protections in the medium term to make import liberalization and industry deregulation more effective, and continued efforts to reduce and simplify tariffs, It has taken several steps, including announcing a clear tariff plan and developing an action plan on legal action. Develop a blueprint for reform and deregulation, and an action plan to implement the export development strategy. These efforts have improved the investment climate in Bangladesh.
In some countries, democracy creates an environment conducive to investment. Therefore, the most important determinant of investment in a country today is ‘democracy’. According to the IMF, the other five determinants are (1) good governance, (2) macroeconomic stability, (3) openness to the global economy, (4) investment quality, and (5)) workforce skills.
In addition, Bangladesh has other determinants to promote its investment climate. (1) Low cost and abundant labor (2) domestic growth market (3) political stability (4) well-developed capital market.
Bangladesh offers an investment-friendly environment compared to other South Asian countries. Here are some salient features:
A largely homogenous society with no major internal or external tensions Bangladesh has a population that is highly resilient to adversity.
The people of Bangladesh, a liberal democracy, have lived peacefully for many years regardless of race or religion.
Bangladesh enjoys broad bipartisan political support for market-oriented reforms and offers the most investor-friendly regulatory regime in South Asia.
The country has a large trainable, enthusiastic, hard-working, low-cost workforce suitable for labor-intensive industries.
As a bridge between ASEAN and her SAARC countries, Bangladesh’s geographical position is ideal for global trade with highly convenient access to international sea and air routes.
Bangladesh is rich in natural gas, coal, water, and very fertile soils.
Bangla is the official language. English is widely used as a second language.
All Bangladeshi products, except weapons, enjoy full tariff- and quota-free access to the EU, Japan, Canada, Australia, Norway, and most developed countries. However, for garment exports to the United States, Bangladesh has a quota system that ended on 1 January 2005.
Export earnings continue to increase.
The situation for foreign investment has generally been good since the independence of Bangladesh. The government has passed various policy reforms to create a conducive atmosphere for investment. However, government-decided investment initiatives are inappropriate and sometimes inappropriate for various reasons such as lack of proper governance, lack of law, and order/political instability.
The government has developed and implemented different policies to create a more open and competitive environment for foreign direct investment. Sectors, such as energy and power, coal, and solar energy. Telecommunications and ICT, and lighting technology may attract foreign investment.
Telecommunications and ICT, pharmaceutical raw material production and herbal medicine, lighting, education and energy and power, coal, and solar energy are the preferred sectors for investment in Bangladesh. The private manufacturing incentive framework is tailored to build a market-oriented economy that caters to the global market. As a result, Bangladesh has maintained a stable macroeconomic situation despite the global economic crisis.
Agriculture is the most important sector for Bangladesh. The country earns significant foreign exchange from the export of agricultural products and agro-processed products. We need to increase investment in seeds and other agricultural inputs to boost production and help countries solve their food import problems.
Education is the backbone of the nation and primary education is the backbone of the education system. Investment in education should be increased to 3% of GDP. It is necessary to expand the scope of the introduction and utilization of ICT. User-friendly investment in ICT helps people to use ICT for economic development.
Investment in infrastructure, especially in the railway sector, is significantly inadequate compared to the needs of Bangladesh’s transport system. We should invest more in this area.
Land ports play an important role in regional trade. Investments in land ports are aimed at minimizing operating costs for regional trade.
Electricity is the most important component of the national economy. Investments in power, gas, and related sectors must be made so that electricity can be produced in the shortest possible time. Research into the use of renewable energy, such as solar power and biomass, can solve all power generation problems.
Counseling / Consulting is not well developed in Bangladesh. Young talents do not dare to make a career in consulting. The country’s consulting industry has become dependent on foreign consultants. Developing the consulting sector in Bangladesh requires pursuing a pragmatic approach through appropriate investments.
Overall, the country is very weak in research and development activities. Funds should be invested through appropriate organizations to expand the domestic research base.
1. Electricity demand will continue to grow. Installed power generation capacity must be managed efficiently.
2. Bangladesh suffers greatly from a shortage of skilled labor. Support can be extended to industrial enterprises to develop the skills of technical workers through on-the-job training.
4. Animal husbandry plays an important role in the economic activities of Bangladesh. The fisheries subsector generates significant foreign exchange income from exports. More support is likely to boost exports to sustain sector growth.
5. Infrastructure is a key sector to attract foreign investment. The most important infrastructure support should be in import and export activities at ports. Customs procedures should be simplified. Bangladesh’s railway capacity needs to increase to make international trade cheaper in the future.
6. There are many development projects in the field of education. It is necessary to improve the management capacity of sectoral projects.
7. Telecommunications and ICT are two interrelated sub-sectors that influence modern life. Steps should be taken to simplify business in these two subsectors.
8. Bangladesh has become an exporter of medicines. Large companies use vegetable raw materials. The sector should support research and development through liaison with the Bangladesh Scientific and Industrial Research Council.
9. The Business Consulting profession is underdeveloped in this country. Business Consultants should be developed through training.
10. People’s health care is still inadequate. Investing in hospitals and medical facilities has multiple benefits for the beneficiaries and the national economy.
Bangladesh has a long list of governmental bodies working to promote, support, assist, and develop entrepreneurship, investment, business, trade, and commerce.
The top 7 governmental bodies to promote entrepreneurship could be enlisted (but not limited to) as follows:
National Council for Industrial Development (NCID) – Headed by the Honorable Prime Minister.
Executive Committee of National Council for Industrial Development (ECNCID) – Headed by the Honorable Minister, Ministry of Industries.
Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA).
Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC).
Small and Medium Enterprise Foundation (SME Foundation).
Bangladesh Industrial Technical Assistance Centre (BITAC).
Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR).
Other regulatory bodies or support institutions could be enlisted as the Ministry of Industries, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh Bank (the Central Bank of Bangladesh), National Board of Revenue, Bangladesh Tariff Commission, Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Office of the Chief Controller of Imports & Exports, Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB), Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB), and Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), etc.
All of the above ministries/agencies/organizations have a direct or indirect contribution to the business environment of Bangladesh. Some of these are promoters, a few of these are regulators and others are support institutions.
Let’s have a look at the top 7 governmental bodies to promote entrepreneurship along with their objectives and activities as followings:
National Council for Industrial Development (NCID):
The honorable Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is the Chairperson of the National Council for Industrial Development (NCID). The Minister for Industries is its Vice Chairman. The formation of the Council is as follows:
Honorable Ministers & Deputy Ministers for Finance, Commerce, Power and Energy, Agriculture, Textiles and Jute, Environment and Forest, Post and Telecommunication, Science and ICT, Labor, and Employment, Civil Aviation and Tourism, Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment, Women and Children Affairs, and Fisheries and Livestock.
Executive chairman, Board of Investment
Chairman, Privatization Commission
A Member of Parliament from each of the administrative divisions
Governor, Bangladesh Bank
Secretaries of the relevant Ministries/Divisions (Finance, Industries, Commerce, Planning, ERD, Power and Energy, Textiles and Jute, Post and Telecommunication, Science and ICT, Labor and Employment)
Members of the Industries and Energy Divisions of the Planning Commission
Chairman, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
Chairman, Tariff Commission
Chairman, Bangladesh Small, and cottage Industries Corporation
Executive Chairman, Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority
President, Bangladesh Employers’ Federation
Chairperson, Women Entrepreneurs’ Association
The government nominated five distinguished industrialists
This council was formed as per the proposal of National Industrial Policy 2010. The Council is supposed to meet once every six months, and the Ministry of Industries is responsible to provide the Council with secretarial assistance. Although the Honorable Minister of the Ministry of Industries has been mentioned as a member of the Council, the Honorable Deputy Minister in Charge of the Ministry is also included in it.
The Council reserves the right to declare the inclusion into the thrust sector of any deserving rising enterprise applying for the same determine the type and terms of incentives to be given and monitor the implementation of Industrial Policy including reviewing and updating the list of existing thrust sectors in the industrial sector. If necessary, new members may be co-opted into the Council. Representatives from a sub-sector might be included in the case of discussion on a particular subsector.
Till now the Ministry of Industries is providing secretarial support to the council. But hopefully, this council will be further strengthened by establishing its own secretariat life BCSIR, NSDC, etc.
Executive Committee of National Council for Industrial Development (ECNCID):
An executive committee titled Executive Committee of National Council for Industrial Development (ECNCID) is working with the Honorable Minister, Ministry of Industries in the chair to provide support to NCID. Other members of the ECNCID are the followings:
Secretary, Ministry of Industries
Chairman, National Board of Revenue
Finance Secretary
Secretary, Ministry of Commerce
Secretary, Ministry of Power
Secretary, Ministry of Mineral and Energy
Secretary, Ministry of Jute and Textile
Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture
Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism
Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Employment and Welfare
Secretary, Ministry of Forest and Environment
Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology
Secretary, Ministry of Post and Telecommunication
Secretary, Ministry of Women and Children
Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Secretary, Ministry of Labor and Employment
Member-2, Privatization Commission
Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank
A representative from the Board of Investment
Executive Chairman, BEPZA
Chairman, BSCIC
Departmental Head, Industry and Energy section, Planning Commission
Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary, Ministry of Industries, member-secretary
ECNCID convenes meeting every three months. The Committee is responsible to review the competency of the applicant to be recognized as a thrust sector and recommend before the NCID. The committee monitors strict compliance with the industrial policy together with the protection of the environment and advice solutions in case of any complexity. Probe into complaints/allegations and if necessary, recommend action against concerns if found negligence or indifference of any sort in abiding by the directives. New members might be co-opted into the committee if needed.
Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA):
By abolishing the Board of Investment and Privatization Commission a new organization titled Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) has been established the government of Bangladesh. BIDA started its operation on 1st September 2016. It is the principal private investment promotion and facilitation agency in Bangladesh. The act is created on September 01, 2016. The act mandated BIDA for providing diversified promotional and facilitating services to accelerate the industrial development of the country. In addition, the government also entrusted BIDA with some more functions in its service list. The functions of BIDA are as follows:
Pre-investment information and counseling service.
Investor welcomes service (faster immigration).
Registration/approval of foreign, joint-venture, and local projects.
Registration/approval of branch/liaison/representative offices.
Approving work permit for foreign nationals.
Facilitating utility connections (electricity, gas, water & sewerage, telecom, etc.).
Assistance in obtaining industrial plots.
Approving remittance of royalty, technical know-how, and technical assistance fees.
Facilitating import of capital machinery & raw materials.
Approving foreign loan suppliers’ credit, PAYE scheme, etc.
Advocating policy suggestions to the government.
Assisting the government in framing new policies for private sector development.
Assisting the National Taskforce on investment climate facilitation.
Top 7 Governmental Bodies to Promote Entrepreneurship
Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC):
Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) is the prime mover organization in Bangladesh to support the industrialization process through the creation of an entrepreneurial society. BSCIC was established by an Act of Parliament in 1957. The vision of this corporation is to accelerate industrial growth through the promotion and extension of Medium, small, and cottage industries. Its Headquarter in Dhaka has 4 Regional offices, 64 District offices (Industries Service Centre), 78 Industrial Estates, and 15 Skill Development Centers in different places of the country, the website of BSCIC ( focuses on the development program of Medium, Small and Cottage Industries sector in congruence with the govt. policy. The main functions of BSCIC are as follows:
Increase of industrial production and productivity in the SCI sector;
Creation of employment opportunities;
Poverty alleviation;
Balanced regional growth;
Ensure optimum utilization of economic and human resources;
Accelerate overall economic growth of the country through SCI; Services of BSCIC
Entrepreneurship development through counseling and training.
Provide infrastructural facilities by establishing Industrial Estates.
Extend credit facilities to the entrepreneurs from their funds and also through banks and financial institutions.
Preparation of Project Profile and project appraisal proposal.
Provide technical and consultancy services for establishing new industrial units and quality improvement of SCI products;
Development and distribution of new designs and prototype
Innovation and adaptation of appropriate technology in the SCI sector.
Collect compilation and dissemination of technical and other information leading to investment, production, and marketing of SCI.
Conduct research, studies, and survey in the SCI sector.
Registration of small and cottage industrial units.
Recommendation for exemption of duties and taxes.
Recommendation for import entitlement of raw materials and packaging materials.
Top 7 Governmental Bodies to Promote Entrepreneurship
Small and Medium Enterprise Foundation (SME Foundation):
SME Foundation is established by the Government of Bangladesh under the Ministry of Industries as an apex institution for SME development in the country. The major activities of the SME Foundation are the implementation of SME Policy Strategies adopted by the Bangladesh Government, policy advocacy and intervention for the growth of SMEs, facilitating financial support for SMEs, providing skill development and capacity building training, facilitating adaptation with appropriate technologies and access to ICT, providing business support services, etc. It is mentionable here that the Foundation is working for the development of enterprises and entrepreneurs who belong to micro, small, and medium categories as per Industrial Policy 2010. Besides the general support to the development of SMEs and entrepreneurs, the Foundation is providing diversified support to existing and potential women entrepreneurs to position them into the mainstream business community. The major objectives of the SME Foundation are as follows:
To promote, support, strengthen and encourage the growth and development of SMEs.
To plan, program, and finance interventions for delivery by private sector organizations.
To institute SME Awards to promote competitiveness among the SMEs.
To facilitate SME access to finance by creating and supporting appropriate strategies and institutions.
To rationalize public sector approaches and support structures for SME development.
To create a pro-growth and pro-poor business environment.
To create appropriate incentives, mechanisms, and support structures to facilitate the formation of new enterprises.
To identify and report policy anomalies, and market and institutional failures that are prejudicial to the legitimate interests of SMEs.
To create a database on SMEs and SME sectors.
To encourage building linkage among the national and international institutions working for SME development.
To develop the capacity of public and private sector SME service providers.
Bangladesh Industrial Technical Assistance Centre (BITAC):
Bangladesh Industrial Technical Assistance Centre otherwise known as BITAC is the successor to Pakistan Industrial Technical Centre (PITAC). It was renamed BITAC after the independence of Bangladesh. BITAC was established in 1962 by merging two other productivity-oriented public sector organizations namely IRDC & PIPS. With the establishment of BITAC practice-oriented activities for productivity Promotion and improvement of Productivity were created through its laboratory and workshop support. The main objective of BITAC is, therefore, the promotion of the national economy through the development of products, processes, es, and skilled manpower. BITAC has Five Centers in Bangladesh Dhaka, Chittagong, Chandpur, Khulna, and Bogra. Broad objectives of BITAC include:
To disseminate modern technical know-how among industrial personnel through seminars, group discussions, demonstrations publications, film shows, etc.
To extend consulting services to industrial organizations and industries primarily in the private sector.
To organize the program for capacity buildup in the SME sector.
To promote productivity consciousness in the people by encouraging them to form productivity associations in industrial Centers etc.
To co-operate with international and national organizations and agencies engaged in activities for increasing industrial productivity.
To adopt such measures and take such steps and do all such things as may be conducive to the promotion of cordial relations between the Centre and persons interested in the objectives of the Centre.
To secure the recognition of the Centre in Bangladesh and other foreign counties.
In conjunction with the upgrading program and to make it more effective, the BITAC shall:
assists in the design and manufacture of newly developed jigs, fixtures, gauges, molds, dies, punches, tools, and products (proto-type0 for industries and agriculture;
develop products, processes, tools, etc. to help industries in improving quality, increase production, reduce cost and utilize indigenous raw materials, and increase the scope of indigenous manufacture and
Conduct productivity studies in such selected plants as may be determined and recommend ways and means for improvement.
To do all such other lawful things as the Centre may think identical or conducive to the attainment of any or all the objectives of the Centre mentioned above.
Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR):
Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) is the leading multidisciplinary Public Research Institute in the country commenced its magnificent journey as the ‘East Regional Laboratories’ of the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) in January 1955 in the premises of the Polytechnic Institute at Tejgaon, Dhaka. Dr. Muhammad Quadrat-i-khuda, the eminent scientist and educationist, conceived the idea and took initiative for establishing such a laboratory in this part of the continent. In the beginning, this regional multidisciplinary research unit had five-research divisions-viz. Natural Product Division, Food and Fruit Research Division, Fuel Research Division, Glass and Ceramic Research Division, and Leather Research Division.
The Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research came into being in 1973 based on the Cabinet Resolution No. 1(24)/73-BCSIR, dated: 16 November 1973. At that time, the Council comprised its headquarters in Dhaka and the other two regional research units one each in Chittagong and Rajshahi, and functioned under the Ministry of Industries. Subsequently, the Parliament enacted Ordinance No. of 1978 as an autonomous body. This ordinance is known as the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Ordinance, 1978. Professor Dr. Mofizuddin Ahmed was the first Chairman of BCSIR and served here from 23 November 1973 to 21 November 1979. At present, the BCSIR functions under the Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technology. The major objectives of the BCSIR are as follows:
To initiate, promote and guide scientific, industrial, and technological research having a bearing on problems connected with the establishment and development of industries and such other allied matters as the Government may refer to it;
To establish, maintain and develop laboratories, workshops, institutes, centers, and organizations for the furtherance of scientific and industrial research with the object of utilizing and exploiting the natural resources of the country in the best possible manner;
To give grants-in-aid for scientific, industrial, and technological research schemes and projects of the universities established by law and other research institutions;
To adopt measures for the commercial utilization of discoveries and inventions resulting from the research carried on by the Council, universities, or any other research organization;
To collect and disseminate information on scientific, industrial, and technological matters and publish scientific papers, reports, and periodicals on such matters;
To encourage the establishment of industrial research organizations;
To maintain contact with scientific, industrial, and technological research organizations of other countries;
To take out patents and make arrangements for the industrial utilization of research processes developed in the institutes and laboratories established by the Council;
To establish such libraries, museums, experimental plantations, and herbaria as the Board may consider appropriate;
To do such other acts and things as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of the Ordinance.
Any entrepreneur can get their support as and when necessary. But in most cases, entrepreneurs don’t know how to get support from which governmental bodies. As a result, Bangladeshi entrepreneurs are suffering from many problems and have solutions available in the market.
Business dynamics change over decades, existing sectors meet their saturation and newer potential sectors come up. Investors have to untapped emerging sector to invest and gain from its growth opportunity. The longer the growth curve means the longer the entrepreneurial gain. Intellectual businessmen usually diversify their businesses to enjoy growth in their maximum ventures. The maturity of business provides signals for taking preparation for the decline. Socioeconomic conditions, changing reality of the economy, people’s expectations, cultural weave, and finally market demand determine the potentiality of a sector/product line.
In the case of Bangladesh, the economy is transforming from agriculture dependency into an industrial dominancy situation. In such a condition industrial infrastructure like roads, transportation, waterways, airways, electricity, gas, capital machinery, skilled labor, managers, engineers, technicians, fright-forwarders, innovative business ideas, science, and technological superiority, enabled business environment through enacting entrepreneurial friendly policy regime, smooth handling of international trade, international trade relations, so on and so forth.
Top 20 Profitable Sectors for Investment in Bangladesh:
There are around 80,000 primary schools and 17,000 high schools enrolling 7.0 million students. Besides, there are over 1200 intermediate colleges, 38 public universities, and 91 private universities in Bangladesh. The existing setup of the education institutes is producing graduates are producing in hundreds of disciplines every year. But a little number of these disciplines have hardly a connection with the professional arena. Professional linkage with the existing curriculums has to be established. Newer discipline has to be introduced as per the demand of the business sectors.
Over 5% of the population of Bangladesh is unemployed the scenario of unemployed graduates is more dangerous. A recent report stated that about 47% of graduates are unemployed in Bangladesh. About 2 million new job seekers are entering the job market each year. This is how the unemployment queue is becoming longer day by day. This is because existing curriculums have far linkage with the demand of growing business sectors of Bangladesh. In this scenario, public and private sector investment should be increased for drafting a new curriculum as per demands of the private sector job fields to produce skilled manpower as per sector’s demand.
On the other hand, there are about 7 million Bangladeshi workers employed overseas now. They contributed about USD 15.27 billion in remittances in the year 2015. Most of these overseas migrants are less skilled or unskilled. As a result, they are drawing in measurable rates / very low wages compare to the Indian or Pakistani overseas employees. Training these overseas workers in a specific trade with an international standard curriculum could give a hundred times more remittance to Bangladesh.
Therefore investing in manpower capacity building both in higher education and in short-term trade/certificate courses with demand-driven curriculum could be one of the most profitable and result-worthy businesses in the coming days.
2. Overseas Employment:
Overseas employment or manpower export is one of the most contributory sectors to Bangladesh’s economy. At the same time, we have an enormous supply of manpower in hand to export in the coming days. Therefore this sector deserves more attention for both public and private sector investment. The contribution of the overseas employment sector in the last ten years could be shown below:
Table – 1: Overseas Employment and Remittance Trend.
Total Overseas Employment
Total Remittance in million USD
Source: Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training (2016).
Overseas Employment and Remittance from 1976 to 2016.
From table – 1 we could state that, the number of overseas employment is decreasing over time though the remittance yearning is increasing. But why the number of overseas employment is decreasing could be studied further. I the number could be increased over time then this sector could be the highest foreign currency earning sector for Bangladesh.
Currently, Bangladesh is exporting mostly workers. But with 47% unemployed graduates Bangladesh could think of professional exports as well. Public and private sector investment/initiative is needed to start exporting professionals like doctors, engineers, managers, nurses, etc. In such cases, a formal working environment has to be ensured through government-to-government negotiation.
Existing manpower recruitment agencies/travel agencies have to be modernized as HR consulting firms to deal with the higher educated people. Therefore overseas employment of professionals could be a very profitable as well as contributory sector for Bangladesh.
3. Energy Sector:
Earning self-sufficiency in the energy sector including electricity, gas, and other alternative sources is a prerequisite for industrial development. Electricity plays a vital role in economic development and increasing the standard of living of the mass people. At present, Bangladesh has installations with a capacity generating 13,095 Megawatt. Out of installed capacity actual production varied from 7,549 to 8,777 Megawatt, on December 07, 2016.
In Bangladesh, exhaustible own source natural gas and imported source like oil are the main sources of generation of energy. A hydroelectric generation once provided a great deal of electricity worldwide. It was also the main source during the Pakistani days and early days of Bangladesh. The shift to fossil fuels was a choice made on the basis of their temporary abundance and relatively low cost once technology made it possible for developed countries to drill and mine for those.
According to the Power System Master Plan 2010 of the government of Bangladesh it is forecasted that the demand for electricity would be as follows:
Table – 2: Forecasting about demands and supply of electricity.
Government Policy
Comparison GDP7%
Comparison GDP6%
Peak Demand
Generation (GWH)
Peak Demand
Generation (GWH)
Peak Demand
Generation (GWH)
Source: Power System Master Plan 2010, Government of Bangladesh.
Government alone could not organize resources for such a big amount of investment required to meet up the above target. Therefore power sector is opened up for private sector investment in electricity generation. This could be a lucrative sector for investment in the upcoming days.
Renewable energy sources wind, water, biomass, and solar power could offer a great amount of electricity to meet up this huge demand.
4. Agro-processing Sector:
Producing new products by processing (using technology or chemicals) agricultural crops is known as agro-processing. In another sentence, we could state that it is the techno-economic method for producing new products usable for people from the agricultural crops by using machines and applying technology for value addition. The produced new products are named agro-processed products. Agro-processing sector deals with agro-processed products like food, dairy, fish, fuel, feed, etc. We deal in this report with the agro-processed products which are generally used by people as food. The association, Bangladesh Agro-Processors’ Association (BAPA) is working with those who deal with agro-processed food products.
Product Produced:
In recent years, the entrepreneurs of the agro-processing sector have been able to produce a good number of processed products from the chiefly available local raw materials. Agro-processed products are juice, drinks, biscuit, bread, chanachur, prepared nuts, fried peanuts, potato products- crackers, flakes, chips, starch, etc. rice, flour, flattened and puffed rice, confectionery goods, all kinds of spices, jam-jelly, marmalade, pickles, chutney, all kinds of sauces, vermicelli, rose water, nodules, extruded snacks, fruit bar, candy, bubble gum, loly-pop, kasundi, ruti, parata, purl, spring roll, singara, luchi, samusa, chatpati, chitoi-pitha, molasses, syrup, vinegar of sugarcane and date-juice, honey, cigarettes, biri, jarda, tea, mustard oil, coconut oil, milk powder, fresh milk, mineral water, flavored water, flavored milk, ghee, sweets, active drinks, lemon drinks, khichuri mix, chicken spices, tehari mix, chicken biryani, mutton biryani, jackfruit pickle, oil from rice polishing, vegetable juice, etc.
Current Trend:
The sector accounts for over 22% of all manufacturing production and employs about 20% of the labor force. All food processing enterprises account for 2% of the national GDP. Bangladesh Agro‐processors Association (BAPA) has now 370 members who are engaged in manufacturing, processing and exporting the products of this emerging sector.
From BAPA’s record, in 2011-12, the export was US$ 86.91 million and in 2012-13 the same was US$ 101.49 million. But in 2013-14 the export stood at nearly US$ 153.50 million. At present 100 types of processed food products are exported to nearly 104 countries, which shows the competitive strength of the agro-processing sector.
Major importing countries of Bangladeshi agro-processing products are the UAE, KSA, India, UK, USA, Bhutan, Malaysia, Kuwait, Singapore, Qatar, Somalia land, Nepal, Angola, Djibouti, Australia, Bahrain, Ghana, Senegal, Canada, Guinea Bissau, South Africa, Mauritania, Italy, Jordan, Belgium, Liberia, Maldives, Congo, China, Nigeria, Mayotte, Benin, Oman, Japan, Sierra Leone, Cyprus, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Burkina Faso, Sweden, Ecuador, Kenya, Loam Togo, Greece, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Korea, Germany, Iran, Cambodia, Sudan, Hong Kong, Spain, and Mauritius, etc.
Only a few products are processed by using primary technologies or processes. A large number of Bangladeshi agricultural crops are yet to be processed and commercialized. There is a great cope to diversify the agro-processed sector having market demands at home and abroad. Therefore this sector deserves more investment and further diversification.
5. Food Processing Sector:
Food processing is one of the largest agro-processing sub-sectors in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has a well-established food processing sector, which heavily relies on agricultural production. The sector accounts for 22% of total manufactured products, 20% of total labor forces, and 5% of total GDP equal to around USD 4.48 billion. The main focus of this sector is on domestic demand. The export of processed food products is limited and mainly targeted ethnic products, not mainstream international markets. Besides scrimp’s main products being agriculturally based as oils and bakeries, but also fishery plays an important role.
Major subsectors of Bangladeshi processed food are Edible oil, Fisheries, Bakery products, Grain milling, Tea and Soft Drinks, Sugar Molasses, Dairy products, Fruits and vegetables, and other food products, etc. Edible oil is the largest subsector accounting for 39% of the processed food sector followed by Fisheries, Bakery, Tea, Soft drinks,s, etc. The composition of the Bangladeshi processed food sector is as follows:
Top 20 Profitable Sectors for Investment in Bangladesh
Source: Udenrigsministeriet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Undated). Food Processing in Bangladesh.
There are nearly 700 processed food manufacturing enterprises in Bangladesh including brands like Teer, Olympia, Milk Vita, Fresh, 7Up, Bombay, Ahmed, Bengal, Pran, Isphahani, and Igloo. The processed food sector has grown 22% during the last 3 years and the growth is expected to continue as the industry is considered the most potential growth industry in Bangladesh.
From BAPA’s record, in 2011-12, the export was 86.91 mill US$ and in 2012-13 the same was USD 101.49 million. But in 2013-14 the export stood at nearly USD 153.50 million. At present 100 types of processed food products are exported to nearly 104 countries, which shows the competitive strength of our growing sector.
Major Countries for Exports: UAE, KSA, India, UK, USA, Bhutan, Malaysia, Kuwait, Singapore, Qatar, Somalia land, Nepal, Angola, Djibouti, Australia, Bahrain, Ghana, Senegal, Canada, Guinea Bissau, South Africa, Mauritania, Italy, Jordan, Belgium, Liberia, Maldives, Congo, China, Nigeria, Mayotte, Benin, Oman, Japan, Sierra Leone, Cyprus, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Burkina Faso, Sweden, Ecuador, Kenya, Loam Togo, Greece, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Korea, Germany, Iran, Cambodia, Sudan, Hong Kong, Spain, Mauritius, etc.
Till now export of this sectoral product goes to the non-resident Bangladeshi communities living abroad. But it has tremendous potential to create demand among foreign buyers if the companies could achieve international standard certification like ISO, HACCP FSMS etc. certifications. If Bangladeshi processed food could enter foreign markets then the export amount will be increased a hundred times more. So it is a potential sector to invest in and get an optimum return out of it.
6. Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure is an essential sector for the development of a country. Infrastructure can be divided into three major groups.
Ports and Shipping
Water Supply, Sanitation
In Bangladesh, transportation has three broader sub-categories namely road, railway, air, and waterways. Road transportation has developed tremendously since independence. From about 1000 km of the pucca road at that time the country has now over 50,000 km of pucca road. International trade has increased many folds and there is traffic congestion not only in Dhaka and Chittagong City, but it is also frequently experienced on Dhaka-Chittagong Highway. On an urgent basis, Dhaka Chittagong highway needs to be upgraded to a four-time highway. Three government agencies are involved in road transport development activities. These are the Roads and Highways Department, Bangladesh Bridge Authority, and Local Government Engineering Department (LGED).
There were 97 projects with a total allocation of Tk. 11378 crore have been undertaken under RHD. The mega project construction of Padma Multipurpose Bridge with a total investment plan of Tk.10162 crore will start within this financial year under Bangladesh Bridge Authority. LGED has five projects worth Tk.1683 crore for the construction and development of rural roads.
The railway once used to be the principal mode of transport in all parts of the country except the Barisal Division. Since the 1980s there is virtually no donor-assisted development activity. For causes beyond imagination, this very pro-people mode of the transportation system has continuously been neglected. Recently the interest of people has increased in this mode of transport. The railway is running on a meager budgetary allocation. There are 20 projects in the current fiscal year worth Tk. 7319 crore.
A review of the projects shows that of the 20 projects only one project is financed by World Bank. This project is related to the development of export infrastructure. The budget is Tk. 1140 crore out of which 850 crore is foreign exchange part. Of the projects, only two are construction works relating to enhancing the physical capacity of the movement of trains. These two are
Construction of double line track between Laksam and Chinki Astana.
Construction of a double line between Tongi and Bhairabbazar.
Other projects are either related to procurement, rehabilitation, or consultancy. Of the 20 projects 6 have financial support from JBIC;
Traditionally water transport was the main mode of transportation in Bangladesh. Waterway still provides the cheapest transportation for both passengers and goods. Barriers created by constructing unplanned roads and bridges and encroachment of rivers have reduced the total waterways drastically activities in the Inland Water Transport system are managed by Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) and Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC). Rivers or their tributaries following beside the cities, particularly Dhaka and Chittagong have been forced to become narrow in width and water pollution increased to a level beyond imagination. The government has taken up plans to revive the rivers through the demolition of illegal structures.
There were 4 projects with a total budgetary allocation of Tk. 351 crore in BIWTA. Out of the projects of BIWTA and BIWTC only one project as project aid from South Korea. The negligible number of projects and the minimum amount of budgetary allocation indicates that the waterways subsector is a neglected one.
Riverways have been seriously affected due to siltation. To the lack of dredging river erosion has become serious in some areas of the country. The government has taken up a massive plan to dredge rivers and the planned budget of Tk. 11000 crore. In the water sector, this activity will be a continuous one. Therefore there will be continuous investment in this subsector.
Fatal accidents take place almost every year in river transportation. There is a need to minimize the number of accidents. A very inhuman situation is that in many cases the dead bodies cannot be rescued. Rescuer operations are abandoned quite often. There is no mention of this horrible situation in the development planning document of the Government. There should be projects on the following:
Monitoring the load factor of launches before departure.
Monitoring fitness throughout the year.
Improving Telecommunications System of river vehicles.
Realistically strengthening the rescue operations after accidents.
Improving Research & Development activities of both BIWT & BIWTC.
Maintaining the river transport system operational is to the benefit of the economy of Bangladesh because it is a cheap mode of transportation.
Air Transport:
Bangladesh can be reached by air from any part of the world. The national flag carrier Biman of Bangladesh flies to 26 international and 8 domestic destinations [16]. Biman Bangladesh airlines connected Dhaka with 27 major cities of the world. They are- London, Muscat, Dhahran, Baghdad, Kuwait, Yangon, Bangkok, Mumbai, Calcutta, Doha, Dubai, Jeddah, Karachi, Kathmandu, Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Athens, Rome, Tripoli, Tokyo, Singapore, Bahrain, Frankfurt, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Sarjah, Seoul, Riyadh, and Delhi. Biman, Bangladesh Airlines also connected Dhaka with major cities of Bangladesh,
Chittagong, Jessore, Cox’s Bazar, Rajshahi Saidpur, and Sylhet in its 7 domestic routes. There is a total of 11 airports in Bangladesh. These are Dhaka, Barisal, and Chittagong. Comilla, Cox’s Bazar, Ishurdi, Jessore, Rajshahi, Syedpur, Sylhet, and Thakurgaon. The airports at Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet are international. Besides Biman, Air cargo and Short Take-off and Landing (STOL) services have been opened to the private sector by the government.
Sea Ports:
Seaport is essential for international trade. Bangladesh is fortunate enough to have two seaports. International trade has increased has tremendously increased in Chittagong Port. The movement of ships through Mongla Port did not increase significantly. The recent regional understanding to use Chittagong and Mongla Ports for the movements of goods to seven eastern states of India and the two SAARC countries Nepal and Bhutan will necessitate massive expansion of the two seaports.
Land Ports:
Bangladesh has land with India and Mairman through land ports. There are 17 land ports in Bangladesh. These are the Benapole, Teknaf, Banglabandha, Sonamasjid, Nakugaon, Bilonia, Hilli, Darshana, Birol, Burimari, Tamabil, Haluaghat, Akhaura, Bibirbazar, Bhomra, Gobrakora & Karaitoli land ports. Making land ports functional needs larger investment by the public or private sector.
7. Hospitals and clinics
The hospital and clinic service sector in Bangladesh is one of the promising sectors of Bangladesh. Local demand is much higher than that of the available supply. Healthcare is available through both the public sector and private sectors. Private hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centers are run according to a 1982 ordinance. There are more than 8,000 registered private hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centers in the country. There are 583 government hospitals and 2,501 registered non-government hospitals. There are also many unregistered private hospitals in the country. The total number of beds in the registered private hospitals and clinics is 42,237. Among the 8 divisions, Dhaka division has the highest number of tertiary hospitals followed by Rajshahi with 26 such healthcare facilities. The Government of Bangladesh encourages foreign companies to partner with local companies for producing drugs, especially high-tech and specialized products.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO 2014), only about 3.7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is spent on health services through both public and private sector expenditures. Life expectancy in Bangladesh is now nearly 70, whereas both India and Pakistan have 65. Although the percentage of GDP is being spent on the healthcare sector is relatively higher than it used to be but it is a very small amount compared to developed countries which spend 8 to 12% of GDP. The total government contribution to health expenditure is even lower at 7.8%. However, government expenditure on health is only about 35.3% of the total health expenditure, and the rest 64.7% out-of-pocket (OOP) expenses. Inequity, therefore, is a serious problem affecting the healthcare system. There is significant room for market expansion as the country enters lower-middle income status. The fact that more than two-thirds of total health expenditure is out-of-pocket that is privately financed indicates that people are willing to pay for better healthcare.
Current Trend:
Public Sector Hospitals:
There are 53 District Hospitals with 7,850-bed facilities, 11 General Hospital with 1,350 beds, 5 infectious disease hospitals with 180 beds, 22 Medical / dental college hospitals with 11,960 beds, 7 Specialized hospitals with 2,330 beds, and 1 medical university with 1500 beds.
Private Sector Hospitals:
The private sector can be grouped into two main categories. First, the organized private sector (both for-profit and nonprofit) includes qualified practitioners of different systems of medicine. Second, the private informal sector, which consists of providers practicing in rural areas not have any formal qualifications such as untrained allopaths, homeopaths, kobiraj. According to Asia Pacific Observatory on Public Health Systems and Policies, there are 2,983 private hospitals and clinics registered as of 2013. The total number of beds provided by the private sector is 45,485 (as of 2013).
Diagnostic Centers:
Along with private clinics and hospitals, the number of diagnostic centers in the private sector is growing. In 2012, approximately 5,122 laboratories and other diagnostic centers were registered with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW, 2012). In the private for-profit sector, there are some large diagnostic centers in the cities (Lab Aid, Ibn Sina, Popular, and Medinova) providing laboratory and specialized radiological tests. Some of these facilities maintain a high standard.
Donors, NGOs, and Professional Groups:
Bangladesh is known worldwide for having one of the most dynamic NGO sectors, with 2,471 NGOs registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau working in the population, health, and nutrition sectors (as of 2014). NGOs have been active in health promotion and prevention activities, particularly at the community level, and in family planning, and maternal and child health areas.
All the above-mentioned hospitals and clinics are mainly located in the capital city Dhaka, and other divisional cities in Bangladesh. Most of the district cities have healthcare facilities but without emergency / ICU facilities. There is a scope to establish modern hospital facilities at the district level with ICU facilities. Besides, there is a demand for modern diagnostic facilities at Upazila levels as well. There is only one child hospital located in Dhaka for serving the needs of the whole country. Similarly, other specialized hospitals are mainly located in Dhaka. Therefore at least divisional towns are deserving specialized hospital facilities either by the public sector or private sector investors.
Top 20 Profitable Sectors for Investment in Bangladesh
8. Telecommunication Sector
The liberalization of Bangladesh’s telecommunications sector began with small steps in 1989 with the issuance of a license to a private operator for the provision of inter alia cellular mobile services to compete with Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB), the previous monopoly provider of telecommunications services within Bangladesh. Significant changes in the number of fixed and mobile services deployed in Bangladesh occurred in the late 1990s and the number of services in operation has subsequently grown exponentially in the past five years.
The incentives both from the government and public sectors have helped the industry grow and it is now one of the biggest industries in Bangladesh. As a populous country, its huge market has attracted many foreign investors. The major milestones of Bangladesh’s telecommunication sector are:
Table – 3: Milestones of Bangladesh telecommunication sector.
Telegraph branch under Posts and Telegraph Department, British India.
Reconstructed as Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Department under the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.
Reconstructed as Telegraph and Telephone Board.
Reconstructed as Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB) with the right to issue licenses for telecom and wireless services.
Digital Telex Exchange in Bangladesh.
Automatic Digital ITX started in Dhaka.
Coin box Telephone service was introduced in Bangladesh by BTTB.
GENTEX Telegraph messaging service introduced in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Rural Telecom Authority got a license to operate exchanges in 200 upazila.
Sheba Telecom got the license to operate an exchange is 199 upazila.
Cellular mobile phone companies Pacific Bangladesh Telephone Limited and Bangladesh Telecom got licenses.
Card Telephone service was introduced in Bangladesh by BTTB and TSS.
The regulatory power of BTTB was transferred to Ministry (MoPT).
2nd and 3rd ITX was installed in Dhaka.
GrameenPhone got a cellular mobile Telephone license.
Telecom Malaysia International Bangladesh got a cellular mobile license.
Telecom Policy.
Global Telecom Service (GTS) Telex Exchange venture with British Telecom.
Telecommunication Act, to establish Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).
ICT Policy.
Teletalk cellular mobile launched.
Egypt-based Orascom acquired Sheba Telecom
NGN was introduced in BTTB.
BTTB converted into Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL) with 100% shares owned by Government. The Submarine Cable Project transformed into Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited (BSCCL)
Japanese NTT DoCoMo bought a 30 percent stake in Aktel
Bharti Airtel acquired a 70 percent stake in Warid Telecom
Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider (IPTSP) Operators launched.
Aktel rebranded to Robi Axiata Limited
3G mobile service is introduced by state-owned Teletalk in October.
3G auction held for private companies
64 districts covered with 3G by Grameenphone, Banglalink, and Robi
Currently, there are six mobile operators in Bangladesh with Grameenphone (GP) as the market leader with 42% share of a total of 126.87 million (BTRC June ‘15). Among other operators, Banglalink has 26%, Robi 22%, Airtel 7%, Teletalk 2%, and Citicell 1% of the market share.
Till now data service is available at town levels only. Speed in most places is very slow due to poor infrastructure. Call rate and data package both are expensive in Bangladesh. On the other hand, Bangladesh is entering into the global outsourcing market with its services providing professionals. High-speed internet connectivity has to be ensured to support the outsourcing sector. Therefore there is a need for further investment in Bangladesh’s telecommunication sector. It could be a backward linkage sector for the outsourcing sector.
9. Pharmaceuticals sector
Pharmaceutical is one of the SME Booster Sectors having the special attention of policymakers due to its growth potential. In the 1970s three fourth of the pharmaceutical industry was dominated by multinational companies. Local pharmaceutical companies started initiation in the 1980s and have grown in the last two decades at a considerable rate. The National Drug Policy (NDP) in 1982 and 2005 has had a major impact on the development and growth of the Bangladesh pharmaceutical sector of Bangladesh.
The Bangladeshi pharmaceutical industry is dominated by local manufacturers. Local vs. multinational companies has 97% vs. 3% market shares. The top ten market leaders of the Bangladeshi pharmaceuticals sector are local companies. Square and Incepta pharma has 30% of local market shares. The size of the retail market reached BDT 84.0 billion (US$ 1.136 billion) in 2011 based on IMS health Bangladesh (Haroon, 2012). The report additionally stated that retail sales in the domestic market achieved 23.59% growth in 2011 which is following 23.8% and 16.8% growth in 2010 and 2009 respectively. This industry has an annual growth rate of 10.2% during the fiscal year 2002. The values fell by 4.3% in 2003. The lower growth rate shown in 2003 and 2004 is largely because of the country’s economic recession. Again the growth rate increased by 9% in 2005. The growth rate in 2005 was 17.5%. In recent times the growth rate has literally doubled which is 23.59% in 2011.
According to the Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA), there are currently 200 active allopathic companies in Bangladesh. About 22,000 brands of drugs are sold which cover 1500 types of medication. There are 1495 wholesale drug license holders and about 37700 retail drug license holders. The industry meets 98% of the demand for medication in the country and can be considered to be self-sufficient.
The sector employs 1, 15,000 workers and between 2013 and 2014, the growth stood at around 11.37%. According to IMS Health, annual pharmaceutical sales in the local market may reach BDT 160 billion in 2018.
Current Trend:
According to IMS Health, the top 10 companies hold 68.5% market share, the top 20 hold 85.73%, and the top 31 hold 94.1%, while the remaining 169 companies shared 5.9% among them. Square Pharmaceuticals led the industry with a market share of 19.21%. Incepta and Beximco took 2nd and 3rd positions with market shares of 10.42% and 8.47% respectively.
Currently, formulations are exported to 107 countries around the world. The major destinations for Bangladeshi medicines are Germany, the USA, France, Italy, the UK, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Kenya, while nearly 50 countries import Bangladeshi medicines regularly. The growth in exports has averaged over 10% from 2010 to 2014. In 2015, the exports were over $ 41.17 million. Pharmaceutical companies are trying to export to regulated, unregulated, and moderately regulated markets.
10. Tourism and Hospitability
Bangladesh has great tourism potential. It is potential in terms of continuous economic growth, strategic location for regional connectivity, enriched natural and historical beauty, diversified landscape including plain lands, hills, rivers, and sea sights, etc. It has green plain land, a medium-height hilly range with evergreen trees, sandy sea beaches, and the largest mangrove forest in its beauty basket. With such land diversity, it has ethnic diversity of people, religious varieties, cultural differences, and different lifestyles of the people.
The direct contribution of tourism to Bangladesh’s GDP was 2.2 percent in 2014, which is expected to grow to about 4.7 percent by 2024 according to the projection of WTTC. This level puts Bangladesh at a rank of 165, whereas countries like Thailand and Malaysia are ranked at 35 and 41, and neighboring India is ranked at 135. The total contributions of the tourism sector to GDP for the abovementioned countries are respectively – Thailand (20.2 percent of GDP); Malaysia (16.6 percent of GDP) and India (6.2 percent of GDP.) These statistics suggest that Bangladesh needs to improve its performance significantly over the medium term to attain the target achieved by India.
Similarly, the tourism sector has so far generated about 3 million jobs in 2014 and is projected to generate up to 4 million jobs by 2024. Thus the contribution of the tourism sector to total employment is around 4 percent and according to the WTTC projections, it may reach 4.3 by 2024. The projections, however, are not very promising as it suggests only a 0.3 percent increase in employment generation over the next 10 years time period.
Bangladesh’s beauty basket contains beautiful landscapes like Bisanakandi at Sylhet, Sangu River at Thanchi in Bandarban, tea gardens in Srimongol, Bhawal National Park in Gazipur, Himchari National Park in Cox’s Bazar, Kaptai National Park in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Lawachara National Park in Moulavibazar, etc. Its archeological excellence includes Lalbagh Fort in Dhaka, Ahsan Manzil in Dhaka, Shalbon Bihar in Kotbari, Comilla, the War Cemetery in Moynamati, Comilla, Mahasthangarh in Bogra, Shat Gombuj Mosque in Bagherhat, Tajhat Palace in Rangpur, Paharpur Bihar in Naogan, Kantoji Temple in Dinajpur, Puthia Palace in Rajshahi, and Suna Mosque in Chapai Nawabgaonj, etc. Beautiful sea beaches like Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach, Patenga Sea Beach in Chittagong, Teknaf Sea Beach in Cox’s Bazar, Saint Martin’s sea beach in Cox’s Bazar, Kuakata Sea Beach in Patuakhali, etc.
Bangladesh is having diversified and rich religious attractions like Mazar of Hazrat Shah Jalal (Rh.) and Shah Poran (Rh.) in Sylhet, Shah Mostafa (Rh.) in Moulvibazar, Khan Jahan Ali (Rh.) in Bagherhat, Shah Mokhdum (Rh.) in Rajshahi, Baro Awlia in Chittagong, etc. All of these are considered holy places by the Muslim community. Bangladesh is also home to religious heritages of the Hindu community like Dhakeshwari Temple in Dhaka, Joy Kali Temple in Dhaka, Kantaji Temple in Dinajpur, Chandranath Temple in Chittagong, Dhamrai Jagannath Roth in Dhamrai, Boro Kali Bari Temple in Mymensingh, Comilla Jagannath Temple in Comilla, Adinath Temple, Moheshkhali, Cox’s Bazar and Bhabanipur Shaktipeethin Bogra, etc. There are places in Bangladesh carrying memories of the famous Buddhist Saint Atish Dipankar and many more.
Bangladesh could easily attract more local and foreign tourists if transportation, housing, and security system could be improved in the tourist spots. Private sector investment could play a vital role in the development of tourism in Bangladesh if government policy inspires private investors to do so.
11. Organic Fertilizer, Seeds, Insecticides
For the production of crops fertilizer, seeds, and insecticides are important elements. The country depends heavily on the use of chemical fertilizers for its agriculture. The use of mega granules of urea (guti-urea) has optimized the efficiency of the use of fertilizers.
There is also some use of organic fertilizer. There is no reliable data available on the use of organic fertilizer in agriculture in Bangladesh. To make a balance in the production of health hazard-free crops some NGOs are encouraging entrepreneurs to produce organic fertilizer through the use of cow dung, water-hyacinth, etc. However, this can be the subject of another research activity.
Seed is the main input of agricultural production. The yield level of a crop depends on the quality of the seed. Preservation of seeds has been an age-old practice in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC) has played a significant role in popularizing the systematic production and storage of seeds. There are seed multiplication farms and contract rowers through whom BADC participates in seed production. The seeds are usually paddy, wheat, potato, jute, oil seed, pulse, maize, and vegetables. The farmers can enhance their income by participating in the production of seeds.
All agricultural crops are attacked by diseases and pests of different types. Paddy is attacked by the black bugs, fruits fly attack jackfruit, guava, tomato, and mango is attacked by bats, cabbage and vegetables are attacked by diamondback moth, and rats attack almost all types of crops. To protect the growing crops and vegetables farmers use different type’s insecticides. The use of insecticides beyond the limit is harmful to public health. Almost all the insecticides are imported from abroad.
Agricultural scientists have found out that all insects that are seen in a farm or a garden are harmful, some are friendly to the crop and vegetables and some are harmful. To protect the crop from the attack of pests agricultural scientists have developed Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods. In Bangladesh, the Directorate of Agriculture Extension (DAE) has been implementing progress on IPM. There can be more investment in the research and development of IPM. The government’s import policy allows for the import of insecticides and the imports have to be declared to DAE and need to be used according to Pesticides Rules, 1985.
12. Consultancy and Business Support Service
Consultancy is an industry in developed and advanced developing economies. The organization seeks the services of consultants both during strong growth of the economy and during a recession. An organization seeks the services of consultants for two reasons (i) it can afford the consultants and (ii) Consultants can advise on how to spread their business. During a recession, organizations turn to consultants for advice on how to cut costs, save money and weather the economic storm.
In Bangladesh, consultancy services are sought and used mostly by big investment projects. Due to interaction with the international market public sector organization are also seeking the services of consultants. But consultancy has not taken any shape of an industry or so there is a crisis of consultants. Usually, the consultancy organization can be divided into the following four categories:
Engineering Consultancy Firm.
Management and Socio-economic Consultancy Firms.
Chartered Accountancy and Audit Firms.
Business Support Services.
Usually, clients look for two types of consultants: (i) those who emphasize their problem-solving ability and (ii) those that help the client help improve their performance. Clients seek to hire consultants because they may lack expertise and knowledge or they cannot afford their time and rather than doing the job they take the services of the consultants.
There is a difference between an expert and a successful consultant. A successful consultant is one who translates his or her expert knowledge into useful applications for clients. The skills needed by a successful consultant fall into four major categories: Technical skills, communications skills, interpersonal skills, and Administrative skills. Any one skill alone will not help one to become a successful consultant. Bangladesh is in serious lack of export consultants. There are firms but they do not have the minimum service conditions to attract young talented people to take up consultancy as a profession.
There are no consultancy firms in Bangladesh offering business startup support services like registrations and licensing, project profile and financing, linkage with forward and backward processes, and one-stop service for technology selection, commissioning, and operations. Such types of consultancy services could play a pivotal role in increasing the speed of economic development in Bangladesh. New investment could be worthwhile in this sector.
13. Light Engineering Sector
The light engineering sector occupies a unique position in the Bangladesh economy. It prudently acts as a feeder of support industries to all other industries and plays a vital role in the socio-economic development of the country. Therefore, it is known as the mother of heavy industries. This sector has the potential to make a significant contribution towards technological and economic development along with wide opportunities for employment generation.
There are about 40,000 Light Engineering enterprises all over the country. Around 6 lack people are directly involved with the light engineering sector. It is engaged with the production and manufacturing of high-value-added engineering goods and services with a value of annual turnover of more than TK. 10,000 crore. In recognizing this fact, the government has declared this sector as a thrust sector in its Industry Policy –2010.
Products Produced:
Major products of this sector are Agricultural Machinery & Spares, Motor launch & Marine Transport Spares, Textile Machinery & Spares, Jute Machinery & Spares, Tea plant Machinery & Spares, Construction Machinery & Spares, Bread, Biscuit and Food Processing Machinery & Spares, Metal Furniture, Paper and Pulp Machinery & Spares, Mold & Dies, Components & Spares of Gas Transmission & Distribution, Printing & Packaging Machinery & Spares, Poultry Machinery & Spares, Kitchen Wear & Bathroom Fittings, Metal Product & Hard Ware, LP Gas Cylinder & Fire Extinguisher, and Pharmaceutical Machinery & Spares, etc.
The current trend of the sector:
Since the development of the sector, entrepreneurs are providing their products and services to the local market. LES keeps the national economy running by offering cost-effective maintenance services and much-required spares & capital machinery. The light engineering industry has two segments of the market i.e. local market and the export market. In the local demand, there is a secular growth of around 30% per annum. The size of the local market is around US$ 2 billion.
In the meantime, the local light engineering industry has stepped up its presence in the export market. The major products include iron sheets, G.I. pipes, cast iron articles, aluminum household articles, iron chains, SS ware, machinery, diesel engine, motor parts, bicycle, light fittings, and dry cell batteries.
This sector has an option for further expansion into manufacturing of made in Bangladesh electrical and electronic goods for the local market as well as for the export market. So further investment could result worthy in this sector.
14. Software Development and IT Enabled Services Sector
Bangladesh’s economy is transforming into a digital version. The Government of Bangladesh is committed to developing a digital Bangladesh soon. Therefore Software development could be one of the most progressive sectors of Bangladesh. According to the BASIS survey, there are over 800 registered software and ITES (IT Enabled Service) companies in Bangladesh. There is another few hundred unregistered small and home-based software and IT ventures doing business for both local and international markets.
IT Enables Service (ITES) is one of the growing sectors of Bangladesh. The ITeS sector of Bangladesh has grown considerably in recent years. Today, it counts more than 1,500 registered ITeS service providers employing over 250,000 ICT professionals. Total ITeS revenue generated by the country reached approximately US$600 million for the period 2013-2014, with export revenue accounting for US$250 million, including the freelance outsourcing segment [20]. Industry estimates have pegged the ITO sector to comprise a vast majority of services exports, with industry stakeholders estimating that ITO comprises upwards to 90% of total services exports. Though the country’s BPO sector has continued to grow, it has remained focused on servicing the domestic market. Though this may be the current scenario, Tholons believes that there lies an opportunity for both the ITO and BPO (particularly for non-voice BPO services) spaces to expand more aggressively in the global market. As previously implied, for this to happen, specific supply-side inhibitors must be purposely addressed.
The majority of ITO service providers in the country specialize in Customized Software Development and IT Enabled Services service groups, comprising 56% and 17% of BASIS members, respectively. As of December 14, 2015 – BASIS counts 986 member companies under its fold.
Currently, the majority of Bangladesh IT/ITeS providers, as found by BASIS, depend on the domestic market as a primary revenue source, with 63% of members focused on providing services to local industries. Local demand is reported to be driven by companies seeking to improve business processes and adopt global ‘IT Best Practices,’ a relatively recent trend, only beginning to spread in the country. In a 2014 survey carried out by BASIS of around 110 member service providers, the majority of providers delivering services to the domestic market were focused on developing business application solutions including ERP, Accounting Software, HR Software, Sales Automation, and Inventory Management systems, among others.
Different Segments of ITES Sector in Bangladesh
Source: BASIS (2014). Catalog of BASIS.
15. Leather Goods Sector
The leather goods sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors of Bangladesh’s economy. It employed about 1, 80,000 (One lac eighty thousand) people directly. This sector includes about 3,500 micro, small, and medium leather goods factories with about 110 large industries. This sector is divided into two major heads i.e. leather processing units called tanneries, leather goods like shoes, bags, and belts,s, etc. manufacturers called leather goods factories. There are about 220 to 250 tanneries in Bangladesh mostly located in the Hazaribagh area of Dhaka city. As a Muslim-majority country, Bangladesh used to produce a huge amount of leather every year mainly during Eid ul Azha.
There are a good number of leather goods clusters around the country mainly located in Dhaka, Bhairab, Satkhira, Chittagong, and Brahmanbaria. In Bhairab, about 3000 SME workshops are situated. All of these workshops are dealing with footwear production. Almost all workshops are mostly manual (the lasting process is done by hand). Around 25,000 people are working in these workshops but female employment is almost absent.
Product Produced:
Major Bangladeshi leather goods are pocket or handbags, including purses, wallets, key cases, passport cases, note cases, card cases, cigarette cases, cigar cases, matchbox cases, handbags, shopping bags, shoulder bags, document cases, attach cases, belts, wallets, shoe, and footwears, etc.
Current Trend:
Only 15 – 18 % of the total leather production of Bangladesh can meet up local demand for leather goods. The rest of the amount is export-oriented. The leather and leather goods sector is the fourth largest export-earning sector of Bangladesh. Export earning of this sector is rising with about 48% growth per year. Bangladesh earned USD 1.29 billion by exporting leather goods in the 2013-14 fiscal year. SD Asia forecasted that very soon this export could be increased to USD 15 billion.
Bangladeshi leather goods are exported into mainly European markets like Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Sweden, the UK, Austria, Switzerland, etc. Besides these Bangladesh used to export leather goods to the USA, Canada, Japan, China, South Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore.
Bangladesh’s leather goods export is growing with double-digit growth during the last few years. International buyers are showing their keen interest to purchase more Bangladeshi leather goods but till now a little number of Bangladeshi leather goods factories are capable to supply an adequate number of orders within a short lead time. More investment is required in this sector to make it an export-oriented and rewarding sector like the readymade garment sector.
16. Developers and Housing Sector at District Level
As one of the most densely populated countries in the world, Bangladesh has been experiencing severe housing shortages. With the majority of the population in the middle and low-income groups, ensuring housing for all is difficult here. The private sector housing developers have met a large proportion of the national housing demand in the last 40 years.
But Bangladesh also suffers from a scarcity of land. It is an agriculture-based country where the urbanization level of 28% (Islam, 2012) is substantially lower than in developed countries. However, urban centers are housing huge populations. People are migrating to urban areas because of both push and pull factors, thereby creating urban sprawl. Meeting the huge demand for housing has become a challenge for the government. The real estate sector in Bangladesh has been operating for four decades, within which period it has fluctuated greatly.
Today the sector plays a major role in the national economy, contributing up to 7.08% of the national GDP in FY 2013-14 (BBS, 2014). In addition, the sector also contributed to the national economy through linkage industries, such as MS bar, cement, brick, sand, ceramic tile, paint, and other fixtures and fittings. The Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) declared that the sector along with its linkage industries contributed about 12% to the national GDP in 2014.
Through analyzing the consumer responses, it is estimated that the demand for houses in the upcoming three years is around 30,000 to 40,000; in the upcoming five years demand is around 60,000 to 80,000; and in the upcoming 10 years demand is around 95,000 to 130,000. In the case of flats, the estimated demand in the upcoming three years is around 75,000 to 100,000; in the upcoming five years demand is around 90,000 to 125,000; and in the upcoming 10 years demand is around 70,000 to 95,000.
Apart from meeting housing needs, the Real Estate sector contributes to the Government exchequer through Registration Fees, VAT, Advance Income Tax (AIT), Stamp Duty, Property Handover Tax, etc. Also, the construction industry is a labor-intensive industry, whose capacity of absorbing labor is great. The industry provides many jobs for skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers both in the formal and informal sectors. For the migrants from rural areas, the construction industry is often a stepping stone to urban life. The Real Estate sector is a major part of the construction sector. Most of the labor force engaged in the construction sector is basically engaged in the Real Estate sector. Thus real estate sector is also contributing a lot to the overall economy of Bangladesh.
Besides the major divisional towns, there is a scope for investing in the housing business in the district even upazila levels.
17. Sea Food Collection and Processing
Bangladesh is the largest Delta in the world having hundreds of rivers, rivulets, and tributaries. In terms of area and varieties of fish species, the inland water resources of the country are considered one of the richest in the world. In 2008, the Department of Fisheries (DoF) declared that there are 260 species of freshwater fish, 475 species of marine fish, 24 inland water prawn species, 36 species of marine shrimp, and 12 species of exotic fishes available in Bangladesh. Around 60% of the total national demand for animal protein in the country is contributed by the fisheries industry and the sector is also one of the major export-earning segments.
Bangladesh earned about BDT 40,970 million by exporting frozen fish, shrimps, and prawns in FY14 which was about 2.3% of the country’s total export (without considering the proceeds from EPZ). Its share in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and value of the agricultural sector amounted to 4.37% and 23.37% respectively in FY13. Following several macroeconomic hurdles, the industry lost its second position in export and stood seventh (export amount- USD 568.0 million; 1.82% of the country’s total export) in FY15.
According to the declaration made by Bangladesh Frozen Food Exporters Association (BFFEA), the country has 14.7 million shrimp and fish farmers along with 1.3 million fishermen. The export portion of the sector directly provides a livelihood to nearly 1.2 million people, while about 4.8 million people indirectly depend upon this sector [35].
Frozen fish has traditionally been the most important export product; however, exports of fresh fish have been increasing rapidly and now represent a significant portion of export revenue. Currently, only a small portion is exported as fillets. For frozen fish, the most important markets are the UK, Saudi Arabia, the US, and to some extent Italy and China. For fresh fish, the most important markets are India, China, Germany, and Oman.
According to the estimation of exporters and sector representatives, the exported categories are shrimps and prawns (75%), frozen whole fish (10%), fresh fish (8%), fish fillets (5%), and fish slices (2%). The export-oriented fisheries industry is divided into two broad subsectors: Shrimp and prawns (exported as frozen) and Whitefish (exported as both frozen and fresh). Sea food collection and processing could be a profitable sector for investment in Bangladesh.
18. Amusement Sector
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Economic development is making its people concerned about their mental health. Purchasing power of the population is rising day by day. As a result amusement park is not only a source of entertainment but could be a vibrant source of profit for an entrepreneur. Rapid economic growth along with evolving service sector espouses a substantial number of people who have regular income with diversified needs. Among those needs, entertainment plays a very important role. Because today’s people are aggressively active in entertainment markets in order to maintain as well bring something new to their busy and rigid life structure.
Major amusement destinations of Bangladesh are Dhaka National Zoo, Balda Garden, Mirpur Botanical Garden, Shishu Park, Nandan Family Amusement Park, Fantasy Kingdom Amusement Park, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre, Heritage Park Concord Ashulia, Dhaka, Dream Holiday Park, Chaitaba, Panchdona, Narsingdi, Tamanna World Family Park Picnic & Shooting Spot, Mirpur, Dhaka, Foy’s Lake Amusement World, Bangladesh Butterfly Park, Zastat amusement park, Sylhet, Toggi World (Theme Park), VINNYAJAGAT, Ganjipur, Rangpur, Ananda Bhaban Shaheed Zia Smriti Complex, Dublar Char (Island), Bhawal National Park, Modhupur National Park, Ramsagar National Park, Kaptai National Park, Himchari National Park, Madhabkunda Eco-Park, Sitakunda Botanical Garden and Eco-park, and Dulahazara Safari Parks, etc.
Amusement parks, safari parks, children’s parks, hill station development, foreign or sea sights development, islands development, and river station development, etc. could be profitable businesses in Bangladesh.
19. Diversified Products
Diversification of products makes sense when good opportunities exist outside the present business on the main raw material of production i.e., the sector is attractive and provides an opportunity for a six mix of business strengths to be successful. For example because of International jute organizations’ efforts through Jute Diversification Promotion Centre (IDPC) now diversified products are made frost jute and there is expanding market for these products. Some of the mentionable products are:
Bags & Baggins: Shoulder bag, Travel bag, Carry bag, Shopping bag, School bag, Water bag, Briefcase, Purse, Money bag, Coin box, Vanity bag, Gift box, Jewelry box, Kit box.
Some of these products are exported in large volumes. Some of these products still do not have HS codes but they are being exported. There is a scope to introduce such diversification for indigenous raw materials-based industries like leather, cane, bamboo, etc.
There are no organizations in Bangladesh that are working on designing and developing new products. Almost every sector is in need of designing new products. Most companies do not have the capacity to establish R&D / new product designing and development centers of their own. There are no secondary organizations in Bangladesh that are working to design and develop new products. But product diversification is an essential need for Bangladesh. Establishing a new product design and development center could be a profitable venture in Bangladesh. To know more please click here
The term research is very closely associated with each and every branch of knowledge. It is equally used by science, arts, and commerce faculties. Academicians and practitioners used to conduct research to identify or solve any inconvenience in human life. Even research is used to offer new ways/instruments to accomplish the job than that of previous days. It is a methodical step-by-step process of performing a few prescribed operations. If something even better comes out without accomplishing the methodical cycle could not be termed as research output. It could be an accidental or incidental innovation but not a research outcome. There is a big debate about what is research and what is not research.
A systematic approach to collecting data and analyzing the outputs for the advancement of human knowledge could be termed research. But the same process could be termed as research while it is done by somebody for evaluating the standard of the products of a manufacturing plant is not research. It could be termed an evaluation. The basic difference between research and evaluation could be its objective. The objective of research could be generating new knowledge in a particular field. While the objective of an evaluation is to provide information for decision-making.
What is not Research?
Now come to the point what is not research even follows scientific methods of data collection, analysis, and observing outputs. For example;
Routine testing and analysis of materials to understand its standard.
Routine fitness test of a machine or chemical.
Routine data collection to prepare a progress report of a task.
Regular evaluation of the impact of an intervention.
General purpose reading to be familiar with a concept or issue. But remember that a literature review of a specific issue is also readying but it is part of formal research.
Even the best innovations come out from accidental or incidental is not research.
Research is going beyond personal experience, thoughts, feelings, and opinions that do not refer to other sources of information. Objectives of conducting the research could be exploring an idea, proving an issue, solving a problem, and making an argument that could lead to reaching a conclusion.
The process of conducting the research could be completely different based on its faculty, situation, and concurrent environment. Similarly, single research could be conducted in different ways based on the resources available in hand and allowed lead time.
The scope of research could give us the direction for selecting study methods. The single scope may give different results over time or dimensions of considerable scopes.
Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon. Research involves inductive and deductive methods (Babbie, 1998). Inductive methods analyze the observed phenomenon and identify the general principles, structures, or processes underlying the phenomenon observed; deductive methods verify the hypothesized codes through observations.
Researchers conducted research to fulfill various purposes like understanding a natural phenomenon, identifying a problem, solving a problem, establishing a theory, offering newer ways of performing the job, enhancing human understanding of a particular issue, etc.
A simple research process includes 10 steps namely selecting a research topic, identifying the research problem or core issues to be evaluated, conducting a literature review, preparing research questions, determining research design, selecting research methods, conducting a pilot study, conducting the main study, analyzing data, preparing the report and communicating with stakeholders.
Maintaining research ethics is a very important issue for impartial reporting of the study outcomes. The researcher must not be emotional or biased to any predetermined finding / expected outcome of a research. Therefore maintaining a higher standard of ethics by a researcher is important in the case of conducting research, particularly in social science research.
The term RESEARCH means ‘Search for Knowledge’. Generally, research is a systematic process of searching for new knowledge. It is defined by various faculties with various sentences. But the main theme is research is a systematic search for new knowledge with a specific research question and going beyond personal experience, thoughts, feelings, and opinion that does not refer to other sources of information.
Social Scientists defined research as a systematic investigative process to increase or revise current knowledge by discovering new facts. It is divided into two general categories:
Basic research is inquiry aimed at increasing scientific knowledge, and
Applied research is an effort aimed at using basic research for solving problems or developing new processes, products, or techniques.
On the other hand application of the scientific method to the investigation of relationships among natural phenomena, or to solve a medical or technical problem is known as scientific research.
From the above definitions, it is prominent that, research is a systematic investigation, conducted for discovering new facts to solve a human problem.
Primary Research: Primary research is defined as a factual, firsthand study written by a person who was part of the study. The methods vary on how researchers run an experiment or study, but it typically follows the scientific method. In other words, primary research is the original research.
Secondary Research: Secondary research is defined as an analysis and interpretation of primary research. The method of writing secondary research is to collect primary research that is relevant to a writing topic and interpret what the primary research found. For instance, secondary research often takes the form of the results from two or more primary research articles and explains what the two separate findings are telling us. In other words, secondary research is conducted to explain or refer to or come up with a concluding decision by explaining primary research.
Qualitative Research: Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions and dive deeper into the problem.
Quantitative Research: Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods.
Classification based on purpose:
Theoretical Research: A non-empirical approach to research, this usually involves the perusal of mostly published works like researching through archives of public libraries, courtrooms, and published academic journals. In other words, we could state that theoretical research is research driven by curiosity or interest in a scientific question. The main motivation is to expand man’s knowledge, not to create or invent something.
Applied Research: The practical approach consists of the empirical (based on testing or experience) study of the topic under research and chiefly consists of a hands-on approach. This involves first-hand research in the form of questionnaires, surveys, interviews, observations, and discussion groups. In another form, we could describe that, applied research is designed to solve practical problems of the modern world.
Exploratory Research: Research conducted for formulating a problem for more clear investigation is known as exploratory research. The primary objective of exploratory research is to explore a problem to provide insights into and comprehension for more precise investigation. It focuses on the discovery of ideas and thoughts. The exploratory research design is suitable for studies that are flexible enough to provide an opportunity for considering all the aspects of the problem.
Descriptive Research: Research that explores and explains an individual, group, or situation, is known as descriptive or concluding research. It is concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or group. It includes research related to specific predictions, features, or functions of a person or group, the narration of facts, etc.
Classification based on the scope of research:
Diagnostic Study: Diagnostic research refers to studies that aim to quantify a test’s added contribution beyond test results readily available to the physician in determining the presence or absence of a particular disease.
Evaluation Study: Evaluation is the systematic acquisition and assessment of information to provide useful feedback about the outcome of a project or intervention.
Classification based on the application of research:
Action Research: Action research is either research initiated to solve an immediate problem or a reflective process of progressive problem-solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a “community of practice” to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. It is conducted to find solutions to problems in a specific context.
Educational Research: Educational research refers to a variety of methods, in which individuals evaluate different aspects of education including: “student learning, teaching methods, teacher training, and classroom dynamics”. It is conducted to develop and test educational theory and derive generalizations.
Classification based on target:
Problem-Oriented Research: Research conducted by the apex private sector institutions/development agencies to identify development barriers of any particular sector is known as problem-oriented research.
Problem-Solving Research: Research conducted by an individual organization to solve a problem faced by it is known as problem-solving research.
Classification based on the researchers:
Collaborative Research: Research conducted with cross-faculty / cross-disciplinary issues is known as collaborative research. This type of research team generally includes more than one academic faculties/discipline to get the study done. Biomedical physics could be an example of such a research field.
Practitioner Research: Practitioner research addresses the investigator, the setting, and the purpose. The investigator is the practitioner, in workplace settings ranging from hospitals to schools and communities. The general purpose is to better align the practitioner’s purpose with their actions. There are those who argue that practitioner research stems from a larger social justice movement within qualitative research. Even when social justice is not the sole motivating principle, an underlying commonality of purpose is the desire to improve upon and develop deeper insights into one’s practice. Practitioner research by its nature offers practitioners a voice in the research conversation.
Some consider it a bridge of sorts between theory and practice, although practitioners claim a rightful place in the research continuum.
Experimental Research: Experimental research is a systematic and scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables, and controls and measures any change in other variables.
Ex Post Facto Research: Ex post facto study or after-the-fact research is a category of research design in which the investigation starts after the fact has occurred without interference from the researcher. The majority of social research, in contexts in which it is not possible or acceptable to manipulate the characteristics of human participants, is based on ex post facto research designs. It is also often applied as a substitute for true experimental research to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships or in situations in which it is not practical or ethically acceptable to apply the full protocol of a true experimental design. Despite studying facts that have already occurred, ex post facto research shares with experimental research design some of its basic logic of inquiry.
Comparative Research: Research conducted to compare two phenomena is known as a comparative study. It could be a concurrent comparison or historical comparison between two phenomena.
Historical Research: Historical research is a method of social science that examines historical events in order to create explanations that are valid beyond a particular time and place, either by direct comparison to other historical events, theory building, or reference to the present day.
Ethnographic Research: Ethnography is a qualitative method for collecting data often used in the social and behavioral sciences. Data are collected through observations and interviews, which are then used to draw conclusions about how societies and individuals function or behave. In other words, we could state that it is the study of people in their own environment through the use of methods such as participant observation and face-to-face interviewing.
Correlational Research: A study conducted to identify the interrelation between two or more variables is known as correlational research. It is a quantitative method of research in which you have 2 or more quantitative variables from the same group of subjects, & researchers are trying to determine if there is a relationship (or covariation) between the 2 variables (a similarity between them, not a difference between their means).
Grounded Theory Research: Grounded theory is a systematic methodology in the social sciences involving the construction of theory through data analysis.
Phenomenological Research: Phenomenological research study is a study that attempts to understand people’s perceptions, perspectives, and understandings of a particular situation (or phenomenon).
Explanatory Research: Explanatory research is defined as an attempt to connect ideas to understand cause and effect, meaning researchers want to explain what is going on.
Predictive Research: Predictive analytics/research is a form of advanced analytics that uses both new and historical data to forecast future activity, behavior, and trends. To Know More!
Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh
Indian subcontinent inherited the British legal system since the colonial period. As a result, Bangladesh has had a very structured legal system since its inception. It has about 45 laws relevant to investment, business, trade, and commerce in various sectors. There are more than 10 policies with different incentives and supports of the government to promote private sector investment in various sectors. Existing investment, business, trade, and commerce-related laws and policies of the country could be classified into the following categories:
A brief introduction about the major regulatory instruments to promote investment/business in Bangladesh could be shown as follows:
The Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1980: This is a revolutionary act for facilitating and promoting foreign investment in Bangladesh. This act was adopted on 1st April 1980 by the government of Bangladesh. The main objective of this act was to provide promotion and protection of foreign private investment in Bangladesh. This act allowed a foreign entity to development of capital, technical, and managerial resources of Bangladesh; discovery, mobilization, or better utilization of the natural resources. It resulted in the strengthening of the balance of payment in Bangladesh; increasing employment opportunities in Bangladesh; and the economic development of the country.
The Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980: This is another first-generation act while the government shifted its direction from a state-owned socialism motive towards a free market economy and private sector development policy. This act was adopted on 26th December 1980. It was formulated to establish the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA). BEPZA is responsible for the creation, development, operation, management, and control of export processing zones (EPZ) and for matters connected therewith. EPZ is a name of success in Bangladesh to attract foreign investment and increase the export / international trade of the country.
The Investment Board Act, 1989: This act was adopted on 2nd March 1989 to establish the Board of Investment. The objective of the Board of investment was to inspire investment in the private sector and organize investment-related logistic support for the promotion of the private sector. Primarily the Board of investment was attached to the Ministry of Industries and later on it was looked after by the Prime Minister’s Office. There is criticism in the market that the Board of Investment failed to perform its duty as per expectation. But it has had many successes as well. Very recently this Board of Investment has been abolished by the government and created a new entity titled Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) under the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) Act 2016. The Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) is the principal private investment promotion and facilitation agency of Bangladesh. The act is created on September 01, 2016. The act mandated BIDA for providing diversified promotional and facilitating services with a view to accelerating the industrial development of the country.
National Industrial Policy 2022: The government of Bangladesh adopted the latest industrial policy in 2022 titled ‘National Industrial Policy 2022’. This policy emphasized the aim of increasing the contribution of the industrial sector to the gross domestic product to 40 percent by 2027 by enhancing skills, productivity, and generating employment. The policy also focused on the establishment of diversified export-oriented industries, creating a conducive environment for the cottage, micro, small, and indium industries and attracting more local and foreign investment in the country. An action plan with a five-year timeframe has been included in the industrial policy to develop dynamic and efficient manufacturing and service industry.
SME Policy 2019: The government of Bangladesh adopted the latest SME Policy Strategy in 2019. This SME policy has 11 strategies based on six broader areas — human resource development, business development services, access to finance, transfer of technology, cluster-based SME development strategy, and access to marketing and information. The policy emphasizes extensive SME Development activities. It is dedicated to building a sustainable, environment-friendly SME sector and has underlined the4 need for creating necessary cluster and infrastructure development. Accordingly, different financial and non-financial supports would be provided to women entrepreneurs for their development.
The Export Policy 2021 – 2024: The Export Policy 2021-2024 was adopted by the government of Bangladesh on 28th February 2022. This policy aims to almost double Bangladesh’s export earnings to $80 billion from $45 billion within the period by facilitating shipments of diversified, non-traditional goods and labor-based products. It focused on increasing the productivity of the export-oriented sector, ensuring the quality of exportable products at competitive prices, diversification of export items and market destinations, special attention to ICT-based and service export, selecting a priority list, selecting one focal point in all Bangladeshi embassies in abroad, activating commercial wings of the embassies to build commercial relations with respective countries in order to increase export of Bangladesh.
The Import Policy Order 2021 – 2024: The Import Policy Order 2021 – 2024 of Bangladesh was adopted by the government on 24th April 2022. This policy focused on controlling imports of Bangladesh to ensure the quality of imported products (allowed), control the import of conditionally importable products, and import procedures. It contains seven chapters, these are general provisions for import, special directives to import, Industrial Import, policies and directives for commercial import, import by the government, and a chapter on the Import Trade Control (ITC) Committee which looks after disputes between an importer and the Customs Authority on ITC classification or description of goods imported under First Schedule of Customs Act. Therefore it is an order with mandatory implementable power like an act.
The Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation Act, 1957: The Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) act was adopted during the Pakistan regime on 21st May 1957. The main objective of this act was to establish a Corporation for the purpose of promoting the development of small and cottage industries in the country. BSCIC played a very significant role in the promotion and development of cottage, micro, and small industries in Bangladesh. There are 79 BSCIC industrial estates established by the organization that planted the root of industrialization in the country. BSCIC is working to develop, promote, and further the cottage, micro, and small industries of Bangladesh. They are providing all sorts of industrial logistics in BSCIC industrial estates. SCITI is operating entrepreneurship development training for new and potential entrepreneurs throughout the year.
The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Ordinance, 1985: The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) Ordinance was adopted on 25th July 1985. The main objective of this act was to establish an Institution for standardization, testing, metrology, quality control, grading, and marking of goods. Standardization and ensuring the proper quality of products is a very important issue for the safety of life and wealth. Ensuring world-class quality is the most significant criterion of a product to enter the export market. Therefore the strong capacity of BSTI could play a vital role in maintaining safety and product quality in the domestic market as well as ensure quick growth of export.
The Companies Act, 1994: The government of Bangladesh adopted the companies act on 12th September 1994. This is the bible of a joint stock limited companies, associations, and NGOs operating in Bangladesh. Actually, this is the compiled and updated version of a few older acts related to the companies and other associations. This is the guiding principle of incorporating, managing, day-to-day operation, profit sharing, sustaining, or dissolution of all sorts of companies in Bangladesh. It is a safeguard for investors and a guidebook for operating companies and associations in Bangladesh. It controls registration, classification, MoA & AoA management, the role of the directors, transferring of ownership, and possibly all types of circumstances to operate companies are covered in this act in detail.
The Drugs (Control) Ordinance, 1982: The drugs (control) ordinance was adopted by the government of Bangladesh on 12th June 1982. The main objective of this ordinance is to control the manufacture, import, distribution, and sale of drugs. Therefore it is a sector-specific ordinance and guidebook for the pharmaceuticals industry of Bangladesh. Pharmaceutical is one of the major contributory sectors of Bangladesh by starting its journey in 1982. Currently, Bangladesh is almost self-sufficient in medicine. Bangladeshi pharmaceutical companies are exporting their world-class products to 107 countries, including Germany, the USA, France, Italy, the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, and Denmark, etc.
The Contract Act, 1872: This is one of the oldest acts enacted during the British period on 25th April 1872. This is the legal framework related to signing, managing, and dissolution/void of contracts. This act is practiced by most of the commonwealth states. Therefore it is a universal type of act.
The Partnership Act, 1932: This is another inherited act practiced by Bangladesh by the British colonial regime. This act was enacted on 8th April 1932. The main objective of this act is to define and direct to manage the rules relating to partnership.
Taxation, Customs & Revenue Related Laws: Bangladesh’s revenue sector is operating and controlled under four acts and one ordinance. These are the Customs Act 1969, The Finance (2008-09 FY) Act 2009, The Income Tax Ordinance 1984, The Travel Tax Act 2003, and The Value Added Tax Act 1991.
Intellectual Property Rights Related Laws: Bangladesh has three separate acts related to copyright, patent, and trademark titled the Copyright Act 2000, the Patents and Designs Act 1911, and the Trade Mark Act 2009 to protect all sorts of intellectual rights of the innovators.
The government of Bangladesh has already reformed many laws and policies to improve the Regulatory Environment for Promoting Investment in Bangladesh. To Know More, Please Click Here!
A career is a sequence of work-related experiences, skills, and achievements that a person builds up over time. It is a long-term pursuit of a particular profession or field of work that provides a person with a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and financial stability. We will discuss on best career development tips to prepare you for the upcoming competitive job market in tomorrow’s world.
A career typically involves setting and achieving career goals, such as acquiring new skills, gaining experience, and advancing to higher positions within an organization. It also involves developing a personal brand, building a network of professional contacts, and maintaining a strong work ethic.
The concept of career development has evolved, and it is no longer limited to working for a single organization or in a single industry. Many people today pursue careers that span multiple industries, professions, and even countries.
The objective of this article is to provide the best Career Development Tips to guide you into solid career planning, preparing you with relevant skills, networking, and career development tips, and tricks.
Career development refers to the process of acquiring the skills, knowledge, and experiences necessary to achieve one’s career goals. It involves a deliberate and continuous effort to enhance one’s professional growth and achieve personal fulfillment in their chosen career.
There are various stages involved in career development, including exploration, establishment, maintenance, and disengagement. During the exploration stage, individuals seek to gain an understanding of their interests, strengths, and values, and explore different career options that align with their goals. In the establishment stage, individuals take steps to launch their careers and gain experience in their chosen fields. The maintenance stage involves continuous learning and growth to advance in one’s career, while the disengagement stage may involve transitioning to a new career or retirement.
Career development can be facilitated through a variety of methods, such as formal education and training, mentorship, networking, and career counseling. Individuals need to stay up-to-date with industry trends, build a professional network, and continuously develop new skills to remain competitive and advance in their careers.
Overall, career development is an ongoing process but 95% of Bangladeshi students thought it is nothing more than academic lessons, they don’t recognize that it requires planning, self-reflection, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances. It is a crucial component of personal and professional growth and can lead to greater job satisfaction and financial success. Therefore Career Development Tips can make you aware of the process.
Best Career Development Tips for 100% Success
Preparations for Career Development:
Preparing for career development involves several key steps that individuals can take to enhance their skills, knowledge, and experience. Here are some important preparations for career development:
Identify your goals: It is essential to identify your career goals and create a plan to achieve them. Determine what skills, knowledge, and experiences you need to gain to reach your desired career path.
Self-reflection: Engage in self-reflection to understand your strengths, weaknesses, values, interests, and motivations. Knowing these factors can help you choose a career that aligns with your interests and passions.
Continuous learning: Continuously seek opportunities to learn and develop new skills. Take courses, attend workshops, and seek mentorship opportunities to enhance your knowledge and skills.
Networking: Build a professional network by attending events, joining professional organizations, and connecting with people in your field. Building a network can provide you with valuable insights, resources, and potential job opportunities.
Gain experience: Seek opportunities to gain experience in your chosen field, such as internships, volunteering, or part-time work. This can help you gain practical experience, develop new skills, and build a network of contacts.
Stay current: Stay up-to-date with industry trends, technologies, and best practices. Read industry publications, attend conferences and webinars, and engage in professional development activities to remain current in your field.
By following these tips for career development, individuals can position themselves to pursue their career goals and achieve personal and professional success.
There are several career development options available to individuals looking to enhance their skills and advance in their careers. Here are some of the most common options:
Formal education: Pursuing formal education, such as a degree or certification program, can provide individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to advance in their careers. This option can also help individuals stay current with industry trends and best practices.
On-the-job training for Career Development: Many organizations offer on-the-job training programs to help employees develop new skills and advance in their careers. This can include mentorship opportunities, job shadowing, and cross-functional training.
Professional development programs: Professional development programs, such as workshops, seminars, and conferences, provide individuals with opportunities to learn new skills, network with peers, and stay up-to-date with industry trends.
Career coaching: Career coaching provides individuals with guidance and support to help them identify their career goals and develop a plan to achieve them. Career coaches can help individuals navigate career transitions, develop job search strategies, and enhance their professional skills.
Mentoring for Career Development: Mentoring provides individuals with the opportunity to learn from more experienced professionals in their field. This can include guidance on career development, feedback on job performance, and insights on industry trends.
Career Development Relevant Self-learning: Individuals can also pursue self-directed learning opportunities, such as reading industry publications, taking online courses, or joining professional groups. These options can help individuals stay up-to-date with industry trends and develop new skills on their own time.
Here are some career development tips that can help individuals enhance their skills, knowledge, and experience, and advance in their careers:
Set clear career goals: Identify your long-term career goals and create a plan to achieve them. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
Seek feedback: Regularly seek feedback from your supervisors, peers, and mentors. This can help you identify areas for improvement and enhance your job performance.
Build a professional network: Networking is critical to career development. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with peers and mentors in your field to expand your professional network.
Continuously learn and develop new skills: Stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices by pursuing formal education, attending training programs, and engaging in self-directed learning opportunities.
Take on new challenges: Seek out new challenges and opportunities to expand your skills and knowledge. This can include taking on new projects, volunteering for cross-functional teams, or pursuing job rotations.
Communicate effectively: Developing strong communication skills, both verbal and written is also important for career development. to effectively convey your ideas and build relationships with colleagues and clients.
Maintain a positive attitude: Maintaining a positive attitude, even during difficult times, can help you build resilience and demonstrate your commitment to your career.
Seek mentorship: Identify mentors in your field who can provide guidance and support as you navigate your career. This can help you gain valuable insights and develop new skills for your career development in the same field.
By following these career development tips, individuals can enhance their skills, knowledge, and experience, and position themselves for long-term career success.